Steam Name :
Link to Steam Acc:
Steam ID:
Link to GameTracker:
Languages I speak:
German, English, Turkish
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Killing a player without a justifiable reason.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:[/b]
1- Passing an unidentified body
2- Shooting at or attempting to kill a Detective or a Paladin
3- Walking in the Traitor room
Scenario: 2 players in a
team fight, and it happens one of the players is using a traitorous weapon (The player hasn't announced that they had a traitorous weapon in chat)
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. Killing a player on suspicion
2. Killing a player based on skins and cosmetics
Scenario: A player killed another player because they aimed their weapon at them
Why I should be chosen:
Because i really enjoy playing on the server and love the community, I also wish to help the community with any issues they may be having in any possible way
What do you believe the responsibilities of being a TTT moderator are? To try and keep the fun in the game for the people who actually wanna have fun and don't just want to ruin the fun for others, and to keep the community as good as possible by punishing people who do bad.
What qualities do you have that make you suitable for being a TTT moderator? I am a person who likes to talk to alot of person's as much as possible and hear as much as possible stories, I am good at being neutral and think about both stories i hear from people
What would you say your biggest strength and weakness are? strength: i am a person who tries to be friendly and listen to evryone. weakness: i am bad at making a decision or i make a decision without thinking enough.
Do you have anything else you would like to say? Thanks for taking the time for watching this and if there is anything i could do better please tell me.
Extra Information:
My activity is getting better and stronger and i hope i can help to staffs to help them with the game
Thx c: