Nina wrote:
Same as what Tom and KurzeX.
If you're applying because you think that "you deserve a role" then I think you should consider getting a different mentality regarding that because I don't think that is a healthy nor correct way to be thinking about it. If people aren't aware of the work of being a Lead Team member entails, then they tend to think less highly of the position and therefor think it's a lot easier than what it actually is/"should be if you're at the highest potential a Lead Team member can be".
You've got plenty of actual good feedback on your last application to keep you occupied with. I doubt that you're just applying for the feedback alone, so I'd recommend that you take on the feedback you've received so far instead of applying straight away without having had anytime to work on anything.
Nina I'am allowed to re apply at anytime and i get that you get that. But if no one has that slight thought of that they deserve the role but I understand that its not the greatest mindset to have when applying. But I do want feedback from all