Steam Name:
Time Zone:
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
~42000 mins/675 hours
Languages I speak:
English, basic French
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I've been staff for over 8 months now, 7 months of those as an admin, and on the server I've seen almost all that there is to know. Apart from my inactivity break, I've had 100 mins + on the server every day except one since about May, and I've used almost every command to deal with different scenarios, so I have a lot of admin experience in-game, and I've handled some reports and appeals on the forums.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
Server Activity: As I said, I play every day on the server, and I play a lot, handling reports and helping new players, and answering questions users have, about reports, punishments and anything else I can answer. If staff members, especially new ones, need a helping hand in dealing with reports or getting to a conclusion in a chat, I'll offer mine if I'm available too.
TeamSpeak/Forums: I go on Teamspeak almost daily talking to whoever I see online, and I have spoken to many members of staff including both admins and LT members. As well as this, recently I've tried to voice my opinion in meetings more, and others have shown that voicing your opinion can go a long way. On the forums, I post replies on most if not all TTT applicants and often go into detail if necessary, and I think that I'm fair with my reasoning, and I post responses to many suggestions, as well as occasionally making a few of my own.
Attitude: I feel like my attitude towards staff and users is consistently good, I don't go around aimlessly insulting or bullying people, and when handling reports I make sure I'm doing everything fairly, and I'm not afraid to open up a chat if I'm not sure, or have discussions with users who think they were treated unfairly, where I often direct them here to make an appeal/report. On top of this, I often remind staff members or users going for staff about their attitude if there is a problem or argument, and try to steer them back on track.
Trust: In my time as staff I haven't had an official/demotion , so I am fairly trustworthy and I feel that I have proven that I wouldn't abuse new powers as a Super Admin. Plus, I've never been warned or banned from the Forums, TeamSpeak or Discord, so I have shown that I can be a good role model and follow rules. Lastly, I have also trained a moderator recently, after which there were no issues or retrainings necessary, and I have pointed out issues and problems with the Spreadsheet that needed fixing, since I don't have powers to add or edit it, so I feel I would be capable of helping sort out any problems with it. Lastly, I recently got Super Admin on Prop Hunt, so others in the community believe that I am capable of having lead team responsibility, albeit on a smaller server.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
More than a few times have there been hackers online, and although I don't have recording software of my own, and someone from the LT wasn't available, other people were able to help me out and record and send me the evidence, which then went to the lead team to be voted on. As a Super Admin I would be able to anticheat the person and kick/warn on the first offense, or permaban on a repeat offense.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
Once I have claimed the report, I would review it with anyone else involved, eg. victim, reported staff member or any witness/person who may be able to help, to find out exactly what happened and look at any proof.
If it was
Hello (player), thank you for making the report.
In the video you gave as evidence, it is clear to me that you didn't RDM (player2) as you watched him plant a C4, and I will talk to the staff member in question to make sure they have a full grasp on how to handle reports such as this one. Please continue to report if you feel like you are being treated unfairly.
This report has been
If it was
Hello (player), thanks for making the report.
After talking to the staff member you have reported and another staff member who was on at the time, we all came to a mutual conclusion that you were micspamming, as you couldn't provide evidence against it, and we had a video of you clearly shouting for a long period of time after you were already warned for playing songs through your mic. In future, be sure to listen to staff members, and re-read the rules
here if you are unsure about what you can and can't do.
This report has been
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
A new admin has banned a user for 2 weeks for having 6 recent punishments, after one previous ban for the same thing 2 months ago, which was a 1-day ban.
I would ask the staff member why they banned them, which, after looking at their rapsheet, is a valid ban reason, but I would explain to them that 2 weeks isn't fair for their second ban. I would then ask the staff member to reduce the ban duration to a few days, and would explain to the staff member that next time further action will be taken if they excessively ban a user again, and that this time is only a warning.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would ask the staff member what the situation is and to put it into context, and would remind them of what commands are available depending on the situation, for example if someone has a racist name I would show them how to change it and warn them for having a racist name, or if someone is mass rdming I would slay them so that the staff member can deal with any ensuing reports, while also letting them know that if someone is mass rdming you should slay them so they don't keep ruining people's rounds. Finally, I would make sure they know what to do next time in case it happens again.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
In any way you would handle a normal report. I would take the views of both sides, along with any evidence they may have to prove that the accused staff member is guilty/not guilty, and review it. If it is accepted, I would talk to the reported staff member and warn them that they aren't allowed to do that, and bring it up in the next LT meeting if necessary. If it is denied, I would explain to the staff member who accused the other why I decided to deny it, and reach a mutual conclusion.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would make sure that it isn't public to start with so that it doesn't disrupt other people's time on the server, and then I would stop the argument or disrespect from happening and from happening in the future. I would then explain to the pair that they are supposed to work together in the staff team, not against each other, and that any issues should be dealt with alongside higher up staff members to ensure it is dealt with fairly. If I am the only LT member involved, I would bring it up for others to be aware of in the next LT meeting.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would privately inform the staff member that they are breaking the rules and will ask them to stop immediatly, and then by whatever means necessary would talk to them to make sure they know there are in the wrong, or if they ignore me and keep doing it, I would be forced to emergency demote them. If they did stop, however, I would still bring this up in the LT meeting.
Thanks for reading my application! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!