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An admin’s word on a rule is final. The rules are stated here as guidelines for the server, they are not here for you to scrutinize and try to look for loopholes. If you feel that they are abusing their powers, please gather evidence and post it in a form of a demote request, or bring it to the attention of a Super Admin.
Terms of Use
In addition to the server rules outlined in this thread, the use of this service constitutes your acceptance to the ZARP Terms of Use. Breaking any of these terms of use is punishable. 1.0 General Information 1.1 Avatars/Sprays Emblems/Avatars on steam which may be deemed inappropriate by staff will be punished accordingly. This also applies to sprays in game, examples of this could be "Porn-sprays" etc. 1.1a In-Game Names Your steam name must have readable characters that can also be pronounced in English to ensure that you can be targeted in-game. You cannot have the same name that another player/staff member has on the server, and your name cannot conflict with the TTT gamemode. Failure to change your name will result in punishment. Here are some examples: Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] An example of an okay name: Gunner An example of an okay name: Max An example of a not okay name: Спасибо An example of a not okay name: Detective/Traitor/Innocent In-game names / Steam names should also remain respectful and follow all rules that apply regarding disrespect and discrimination. 1.2 Discrimination Discrimination in any form (sexism, racism, prejudicial remarks) is not permitted on any server. Read this for more information. 1.2a Disrespect Users of the ZARP community server are to conduct themselves respectfully at all times. This rule is also in relation to rule 1.2 1.3 Spam/Promotion of non-ZARP services Do not repeat messages more than once in a short space of time [this rule is somewhat more lenient on players KOS etc.], make incoherent/useless messages or messages which promote another competitor community/service. 1.4 Client Side Modification (hacking) Do not attempt to modify your client to gain an advantage on our server. This includes but isn't limited to: hacks and scripts. 1.5 Avoiding Punishment If you have a pending report made against you or are being addressed by a staff member, you cannot leave without the staff members permission to do so. This also includes ban evasion, if you are banned you are not permitted to join the server until the ban expires. This can result in harsher punishments, therefore it is recommended to follow the procedure listed above. If a player decides to leave before auto-slays or warns are administered, then they will be punished for doing so. 1.6 Micspam Spamming the microphone is unacceptable in any format, whether it be screaming, singing, repeating yourself or playing music unless another rule states otherwise. However repeatedly saying a player's in-game name calling KOS, saying who you are with etc. is not microphone spamming because it is helping other players inside the game. 1.6a Voice Changers Voice changers are not allowed within the TTT server. 1.7 Exploiting Purposely abusing unintentional game features is prohibited. 1.7a Prop Abuse No abusing props (grabbing them with the magneto stick to shield yourself, push players away, kill players, to climb or fly with them etc.) [The poltergeist traitor weapon or other prop manipulating weapons void the no prop killing/pushing rule] If a player possesses a prop and kills you with it, it is NOT Prop Abuse. (You can turn off possessed prop damage in the F1 Menu) 1.7b Door Blocking Doors should be accessible at all times, any behaviour that prevents a door from being passed through is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: spamming the door to repeatedly open/close it or blocking doors with your body. 1.8 Ghosting/Metagaming Using Admin Chat, Psay (!p name message), or speaking through third-party software outside of the game to give players an unfair advantage or access to information they should not know. Should you be talking to other players inside of your game through a third-party software, admin chat, or Psay((!p name message) you must not disclose any in-game information. [i.e who you died by, who the traitors are, to revive you, calling out your T buddies etc.] 1.8a Alt Accounts Alt accounts are strictly forbidden on the server, players can be punished if found to be using alt accounts at the same time as another account on the server. 1.9 Point Begging Do not beg for points. If caught constantly begging for points you will be warned. 2.0 In-Game Character Rules 2.1 Random Death Match Players are not allowed to kill others without a justifiable reason. Random Death Match or RDM is the act of killing without a justifiable/valid reason and is punishable. It is recommended to ask a player who killed an innocent why they did so. Without a justifiable reason they can be killed. Read rules 2.6 and 2.7 for more information on when killing people is acceptable. [Mad Scientists cannot RDM, they are allowed to kill anyone] 2.2 In-game warnings to players. When issuing a warning to a player in-game, make sure that it is through the chat medium so that everyone can see it. Make sure that you give the player ample warning (minimum of 2) and enough time to react to your warnings. After that you may then declare a KOS on them because of their actions. An example of this would be if a player is following you through the map or body blocking you, then you can KOS them after warnings have been given. After the second-warning it will not be classed as RDM. 2.3 Detective Warnings/KOS Reasons As a detective role you may issue a single warning through text chat to players to not use healthstations. For other KOS reasons, they must be valid, follow rule 2.2 and you can't make up your own false reasons. Some examples of valid detective KOS reasons are: - Refusing to go into the traitor tester after being asked multiple times. - Using a health station without permission. - Refusing to stand still for the portable tester. - Refusing to cease fire. - Moving a health station towards a different location / near a hazardous location. These are not all the valid scenarios for detectives to KOS someone, but make sure that they follow what is stated above relating to false reasons. There must be something valid and traitorous that leads to call the KOS. 2.3a Life-Check To life check in-game you must type rather than use your microphone. You must be a detective to start a life check and wait a minimum of 1 minute from the start of the current round. A chat message will appear in the chat informing everybody when the life check becomes available for use. After a life-check was called in text chat, everyone must be given a minimum of 2 warnings and ample time (20 seconds) to respond in text chat. Once a good amount of time has passed you may call a KOS if someone has failed to respond. An example of a correct life check is as shown: "Lifecheck - Respond or KOS" 2.4 Delaying as a Traitor/Detective You are not allowed to sit in the traitor/detective room and do nothing for an extended period of time. If a staff member asks you to not delay, you must oblige. 2.4a Constant T-baiting as Innocent/Detective T-baiting, which is the act of committing traitorous acts as an Innocent / Detective which make it seem as though you are a traitor (see "Valid KOS Reasons" for some examples) is a KOSable offence The act of continuous T-baiting over multiple rounds is punishable, at the discretion of the staff member. 2.5 Player Versus Player If two individuals are fighting, and you have no proof which could be the traitor, you must wait before joining in the fight until one player dies and they either; identify the body/the round ends/you question them. 2.6 Valid KOS Reasons There are many KOS reasons and they all work in different situations and scenarios, here are a few: - T-Baiting as an Innocent, for example: Pushing someone with a crowbar near an edge or hazard. Attempting to obstruct the Golden block from reaching the tester. Attempting to obstruct diamond cubes from reaching the furnace Shooting nearby players to “scare” them Or any action that can signify that you are a traitor -You get DNA from a detective or innocent body - Holding/Using a Traitor only weapon without announcing that he got it from a traitor. - Ignoring unidentified bodies/C4 etc. - Declaring invalid KOS on other players. - Turning themselves in i.e. "I'm a traitor, in the traitor room" etc. - Seeing a player inside of a Traitor only room. - Failure to answer to a life check. - Throwing a incendiary/discombobulator grenade near the player. - Destroying a health station without permission via text chat 2.7 Invalid KOS Reasons There are many invalid KOS reasons which are not allowed within the server, here are a few: - A player is AFK. [Ask a staff member to force them into spectate] - Players are stuck and cannot move. [Ask a staff member for a teleport] - Being in a public area. [Players are allowed free-roam of the map, you cannot KOS someone for entering an area minus traitor only areas] - A grudge held in a prior game upon a player. - A player has taken damage. - A Traitor has a similar skin/hat/title to the player in question. - A player throws a grenade away from other players. - A player looks at you/follows you. [Unless in partnership with rule 2.2] |
Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Vodka4Gaben. Reason: Rule adjustments (callum dum dum)
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