Steam Name: Lunar Frost
Link to Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65046279
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
Languages I speak: English, Serbian, a bit German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Deathmatch (RDM) is a scenario when one of the players which his role for example as a innocent killing/killed another player without any proof or evidence that he is a traitor or not
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1) when a detective finds dna from an innocent body KOS and its scenario
2)when the last player isnt tested in the traitor tester
3) When the victim took damage from the possible traitor in any way
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1) when one player is KOS-ing another player for no given reason
2)killing on suspicion without any proof
Why I should be chosen:
Because i love the so much and where I can find so many great moments of funny corpses, interesting topics and really great people so will also try to not do anything against the rules (I swear not this time!) and make a great welcome to newcomers to the server or even to the players who just bought the game, and i will try to help people as much as possible and I hope the community will be better in the future
Also i will try to improve my activity from now on