Steam Name:
Mr . Asian Andy
Link to Steam Profile:
Gametracker Link:
I speak:
English and Lithuanian
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match aka RDM is when a person kill withuot a valid reason
example/ Hoggy killed a traitor/innocent because they were sus.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1.Detective got damaged or being damaged by a player
example/ a Traitor or an Innocent is shooting the Detective
2. Throwing a random nade
example/ a player Throws a Discombob or a Insindiary grenade at a group of people
3. Detective is Calling a person to test
example/ a player got warned 1 time to test by the detective if he doesnt come he gets 2 more warnings
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. Kosing on players skin
example/ a player saw a skeleton skin kill smb and he calls a kos on that playermodel
2. Droping or throwing a smoke grenade
example/ if a person drop a grenade or threw a smoke and he gets kos untill the grenade didnt explode
Why me?
So im applying once again Cuz from my last one i saw that i still need to regain atitude and trust cuz i was demoted so i waited played on the server abit to see if i could come back to the community and help. I help on the server some of the people who are new cuz latelly i been seeying people lie in the reports to avoid punishments which happen to me and maybe other people. Most of the people trust me by playing on the server. I will play this whole week on the server to gain more activity and i will try my best to do it . I also saw when like in the early mornings not alot of staff come some leave and theres abit of RDM and Racism which some staff dont see in time who says it in voice chat. So if im still not gonna be accepted this week ill try next one. Im not angry when i get killed as a traitor or Rdmed i take it calm and i just want to help uot one again and try not making problems as a staff member before i did rlly bad atitude to people which was a bad thing of me to do . i want to be back to the Zarp TTT Staff Team back