Country - USA
Birthday and age (14+ only) - 07/10/97, Age: 15
Total Playtime (Server) - I have been playing this server for the past week and I really enjoy it
In-Game & Username & Steam ID - IGN: Clutch, Steam Name: Drew, Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43891808(Find it on this website:
What server you wish to get a rank on(only 1 server)? - 1# DarkRP RP_Downtown_V4C_v2
Purpose/Reason to be an administrator/moderator - Usually when I play this server it is 6-7am in its timezone and there is an extreme amount of mingers, RDM'ers, and people trying to crash the server. I want to be able to enjoy playing on this great server! I currently am a donor mod and have been admin on numerous servers, so I am experienced with ULX.
Do you have a microphone? - Yes
Can you be online atleast three/four days a week,And be online atleast a few hours those days? - Yes, most of the time I am on that much already.