dingofetch wrote:
NafeXVIII wrote:
CeeZee wrote:
easily Super-Admin material with that mindset
Most staff are nowadays, none of the servers actually have standards for LT, or staff in general.
Well that's a very broad thing to say, if you had any idea what it was like in the TTT community you would know we have always had a very capable lead team.
Ok you really are speaking out of your arse on this one.
This TTT lead team is the
BEST Lead Team we've ever had, Kurze, Boss and Luki really care for the community and get involved, I see them active and talking to people and having fun
more than 90% of the moderators and admins
What TTT needs is SA+ that enjoy the community, that enjoy making people happy and actually performing well on the server, it has
so many benefits it's unreal, did you know Luki Guki was a little shithead when he first joined?
I actually slayed him and warned him, but then made a connection with him and told him why what happened and happened and made a friend out of him, now look where he is? Do you think he'd be on the server after that day if I didn't care about him or explaining things in a friend-like manor?
This is what MemesAreGood has, a willingness to talk to people, when we first met we got on right away and he made his presence known to me and we had a good few laughs, that's
a lot more than I can say for a lot of Moderators and Admins i've seen
literally time farming the last week or just mindlessly doing reports and not speaking in game, or just playing instead of doing their duties
Anyone can mindlessly do reports but caring about meeting people and the community is rare and we really should have higher staff that do as it will make one
HELL of a difference in the long run
TLDR: read it m8