Steam Name: Dark.
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:193847905.
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: English
Jailbreak Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM = Killing people for no reason. For example a guard killing prisoner for no reason.
Give 3 examples of an automatic Freeday:
Doors open without orders, warden dies, and no warden
How would you deal with a warden with no mic?:
Tell them you can be warden with no mic, and if so it will be a automatic freeday with no orders.
Choose one rule not already mentioned in the application and explain it in detail:
If you are seen or seen run out of a kos area, you are kos
Why I should be chosen:
Im on jailbreak (your server) alot and stop people from not following the rules, i play fair and safe and make sure everything is how it is supposed to be. i help with some admins like blocked, or void. im on your server everyday making sure it is neat and nice if there are no admins online!