Morgan wrote:
This entire report is a big reach without any basis, I mean, you original complaint was "Morgan is starting a witch hunt on me because he told Clarky and Aspect he had proof I was hacking". Now you've not only made that a meme, it was also not true and had no proof, or basis. About your F1 Count, I'm sorry if it offended you but at the end of the day that's just due to a lack of effort and shouldn't be considered "immature" to point that out to you. Seriously, this went from one long rant about people thinking you were hacking to just cum jokes. What a joke.
Actually it was also about you threatening to ban me for harassment when 1. I was trying to prove a point.
Also you being immsture and saying you were not going use my proof in the meeting because "i could be lying"
I am joking about the mouse thing not the fact that you spread it amongst the community which a twamspeak head admin even sajd you joined the channel blurting it out in front of multiple people and even he didnt have to know as he isnt LT on SSRP.
"King of excuses"
How am i making excuses when you guys were the ones complaining about my lag when i get lag aswell.
Notnif i had the same proof i do now.