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TOPIC: [SSRP] Morgan Demote Request

[SSRP] Morgan Demote Request 7 years 5 months ago #700566

I am now looking for a Official Warning.
Staff Member(s) Name:
|Z| Morgan
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
not needed
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Now here is how the Story starts
Morgan asks me to message him on Steam over lay (Shift+Tab)
he moves me to a spacer and asks again
I hesitated as I had Porn open in my Overlay so what I did so he would not see it is
I used my moms old Dell Laptop that i have next to me to message him from steam, he anticheated me and it showed nothing, he automatically assumed i was using CitizenHack
because CitizenHack detours the anticheat, but it has a bug where it wipes the Steam Overlay aswell because the Menu appears in the Steam Overlay with CitizenHack.
Now I understand why he accused me of hacking if he thought i was using the Overlay but I wasn't. I used the other laptop, here is where it gets tricky.
He started saying that he Spammed himself from appearing Offline to Online a few times so it would appear in my top right corner of my screen, it didnt appear in the anticheat.
Now I didnt know why it didnt appear, but it didnt appear for me either. I told him it didnt appear on my screen and he obviously didnt believe me.
Later that night I ask Raifster if he ever gets the same thing where it doesnt appear he said yes, he said he toggled it off.
day Two
Basically he messages me before school is over saying that I lied about not owning Citizen and that he caught me with my Pants down but in reality, all he did was find my CH Profile
(which a lot of Members in the community do, its just so I can see posts etc and snoop around.He said that I lied about not owning Citizen when the day before all I said was
"I dont have CitizenHack even on my Computer" and im not sure about this next one but I said it to a LT member on TS "I can link you my profile if you want"
He keeps rambling and accusing me of lying and stuff and he mentions how his Steam Messages would of appeard on my top right screen aswell keep in mind the night before he didnt say anything about the Messages
I said to him in a Cocky attitude "well they didnt appear now did they" (which they didnt, not even for me) now at this point I was confused as of why they didnt appear
So I checked my Settings (the first 3 Gyazos show which settings)turns out I had Notifications Off for Players Joining my Game, Coming Online, and Messages appearing all in the top right .
At this point morgan has nothing that he can use against me so out of him being Frustrated about me "lying and changing my story" (in other words proving him wrong) he says that he isnt
going to include the proof that I gave him when he brings me up in the Lead Team meeting. Basically without my proof it shows a video of my Steam Overlay and my messages not appearing
making it seem as if I am detouring the Anticheat, my proof proves him other wise, he said he wasnt going to include it because "I could be lying". He immaturely removed me off steam
and blocked me on Teamspeak threatening to ban me for harassment because I kept poking him trying to prove my point and get it in his head that I am not cheating but he wasn't hearing it, I was trying to stop a situation from unfolding. He was so childish about this because it's either he just wanted me banned or he didn't want me to show him he was wrong.
Now no action was taken against me because my proof basically showed him wrong (I assume because he did bring me up and in the eyes of any experienced staff member my proof was good enough)CaptinF1rework wrote:
No matter what someone does on the server they should still be treated with respect, especially when you have no proof of their wrong doing. Harassing a user into admitting something isn't acceptable, yet you continued to do it after me and Morgan spoke to you about it.
He did not go by this, he treated me with no Respect, spreading it about on the servers that he "caught me with my pants down" and that "Gmod was hacking and there was proof of it" I have gotten non stop accusations in the past few weeks and honestly it's starting to get annoying. I wouldn't care about him bringing me up as long as he didn't spread it about the community and basically made everyone view me as a Hacking Admin. I don't apreciate that from someone who expects themselves to get Community Manager and is currently a "trusted and loved" Head Admin on our SSRP servers.
I don't expect a Demote I expect a talking to and an apology for the way he acted, I will apologize as well for being a little rude mannered to him but at least I didn't spread around the community false information and accusations.
All of the accusations basically start in the Youtube video provided down below.

Earlier Today (Tuesday September 19th) on S2, me and a few buddies of mine were on S2 Raiding and we raided Morgan and Born in Bloods base. After raiding Morgan put's in OOC out of nowhere "Gmod you've been raiding instead of doing F1's (yet half of the staff he is basing with also ignores F1's a lot of the time)". As other staff said ot me in steam chat to me earlier about this Situation he said that if they are basing and not doing F1's they shouldn't expect me to Raid and do F1's, I will not be giving this staff members name.
Morgan himself ignored F1's that were made directly for himself, FLeX made a F1 that said Morgan can you Help and he just ignored it, the hypocricity from this guy is unreal.

After he said the Raiding instead of F1s thing, I explained to him how I have been on Server 2 and 3 Recently and when I am on it is late and then I go AFK over night sometimes while mining or selling things in my shop. He then exposes my F1 Count while insulting me/Shaming me for it in Group Chat where half of the Server including Users who clearly would love to get their hands on something against me. He openly says "Gmod there are more than 4 F1s a day on S2 and S3" Exposing my total F1 count and basically shaming me for it. There is no reason to expose my F1 Count, not even that long ago Staff had to wait till Fridays to see their OWN F1 Counts, let alone the entire server on a random day and using it against the staff with that F1.
I said to him that it was immature and there was no need to do it and then he said "well its immature to talk about cum getting on your mouse and computer" when at this point literally majority of the community including Community Managers are getting a good laugh about the whole Porn thing and he basically tries to use it against me like I have done something wrong, yes it isn't considered mature but that is a awful excuse to use to try and make a comeback against me for calling him out for publicly shaming me for my F1 Count. Now this isn't a huge deal but it's the fact that he is just proving my point about him not treating me with Respect and being immature. Honestly at this point I am aiming for an Official warning just by how bad he is pissing me off.
The screenshots of this are added to the proof section below the Youtube link, all steam community links btw.
What server(s) was this on?:
Teamspeak 3.
SSRP 1,2,3.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by GmodTrolla.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700569

Support from day one brother <3

Just remembered Morgan owns Citizen Hack haha
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Bring back ROY
Xnator i want LM back
Ex-Legendary Member
Ex-Head Admin Murder
Ex-Super Admin SSRP
Ex-BHOP Admin x3
Ex-Teamspeak Staff

Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by JoeyRecon.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700570

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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700572

First I'd like to start off and say you getting hackusations has less to do with me and more with the fact that people have always legitimately thought you were hacking. Hell, you even used aimware at one point so that only is going to bolster their assumptions.
Gmod wrote:
Now no action was taken against me because my proof basically showed him wrong (I assume because he did bring me up and in the eyes of any experienced staff member my proof was good

Nothing happened to you because I didn't bring you up, I stated in the meeting and outside of it that I didn't feel like there was enough proof.

As for that quote by Captin, while I do agree with what he said, that's in it's own lane and situation. This whole investigation sprung by you lying to me about the steam overlay, and to your fault or not, at times your story did change. I treated you with respect of course, but if you lie about the situation to begin with that's going to send red alert to me and make me look closer.

To summarize, you were never brought up in the meeting as I felt there was no proof against you, I hadn't "spread it to the entire server". At the end of the day this situation would have been a lot shorter if you had just told me the truth out the gate about your steam overlay but you didn't because apparently you had porn open. I don't owe you an apology or talking to because I've done nothing wrong.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700574

never have porn open when on zarp
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Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Muhammed Ali.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700575

Didn't Roy get an official off of something similar to this if not less?
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700577

Morgan wrote:
First I'd like to start off and say you getting hackusations has less to do with me and more with the fact that people have always legitimately thought you were hacking. Hell, you even used aimware at one point so that only is going to bolster their assumptions.
Gmod wrote:
Now no action was taken against me because my proof basically showed him wrong (I assume because he did bring me up and in the eyes of any experienced staff member my proof was good

Nothing happened to you because I didn't bring you up, I stated in the meeting and outside of it that I didn't feel like there was enough proof.

As for that quote by Captin, while I do agree with what he said, that's in it's own lane and situation. This whole investigation sprung by you lying to me about the steam overlay, and to your fault or not, at times your story did change. I treated you with respect of course, but if you lie about the situation to begin with that's going to send red alert to me and make me look closer.

To summarize, you were never brought up in the meeting as I felt there was no proof against you, I hadn't "spread it to the entire server". At the end of the day this situation would have been a lot shorter if you had just told me the truth out the gate about your steam overlay but you didn't because apparently you had porn open. I don't owe you an apology or talking to because I've done nothing wrong.
I am asking for an Apology for 1. The TTT thing 2. The way you were telling everyone you caught me (Clarky, Aspect ETC). If you didn't bring it up then sure man no big deal im just more pissed by the fact that you made the Accusations worse.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700578

SoraJS wrote:
Didn't Roy get an official off of something similar to this if not less?

No, as it literally is nothing like what Roy did.
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Legendary Spectacular Border
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700580

*Has #Hacker or some other cringy shit in his name*
*Cries about getting hackusations*
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700581

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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700582


But I 100% think you are lying about not hacking or at least lying about the overlay since there is no way you decided to open Garry's Mod, open your steam overlay page and watch porn THROUGH GARRY'S MOD STEAM OVERLAY. WHO DOES THAT? So that's why I think you are lying however Morgan's behavior is still unacceptable since he did everything he did without valid proof.

EDIT: He has since informed me that it was RAPE porn so I now believe he was not actually hacking.
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Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Denis.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700583

RealDenis wrote:

But I 100% think you are lying about not hacking or at least lying about the overlay since there is no way you decided to open Garry's Mod, open your steam overlay page and watch porn THROUGH GARRY'S MOD STEAM OVERLAY. WHO DOES THAT? So that's why I think you are lying however Morgan's behavior is still unacceptable since he did everything he did without valid proof.

The proof actually was valid from what he told me which was that he had the steam overlay open, believe me when the proof was valid until his story changed. Unless you've actually seen the evidence, you can't really speak on it being valid or not.
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Legendary Spectacular Border
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Morgan.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700584

bro who the fuck opens porn on steam overlay lol
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700585

Morgan wrote:
SoraJS wrote:
Didn't Roy get an official off of something similar to this if not less?

No, as it literally is nothing like what Roy did.
Maybe you should look at the pictures and ALL chats. You basically just caused a Hellstorm for me by not keeping it between us and the people who needed to know (your fellow LT members).
As I said
if you apologize (not a half ass one) I will be fine with it as long as you learn your lesson and get talked to (not an official idrc) about what you did wrong.
You also had times where you would ignore me in game, Teamspeak, Meeting.
I asked in you in game if something was allowed you kept talking to someone else or whatever or flying around then just left.
You clearly over reacted with this situation when you started saying that you weren't going to include my proof in the meeting (basically pushing me out of the way so you could get what you want). If you had brought me up with that Video and without my screenshots without a doubt action would have been taken against me as you said previously that people have gotten banned for the same situations.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700587

Morgan wrote:
RealDenis wrote:

But I 100% think you are lying about not hacking or at least lying about the overlay since there is no way you decided to open Garry's Mod, open your steam overlay page and watch porn THROUGH GARRY'S MOD STEAM OVERLAY. WHO DOES THAT? So that's why I think you are lying however Morgan's behavior is still unacceptable since he did everything he did without valid proof.

The proof actually was valid from what he told me which was that he had the steam overlay open, believe me when the proof was valid until his story changed. Unless you've actually seen the evidence, you can't really speak on it being valid or not.
While you are right that I can't speak on it without seeing it I would assume that if you had the valid proof then you would act upon it no? Even if his story changed if your evidence was airtight then his story wouldn't matter.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700589

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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700590

when you say I changed my story, I changed my story to tell you the truth (steam overlay thing with porn) you claimed that I changed my story about the Online/Offline thing and the Steam messages but in reality I never I just figured out why they were not appearing.
As I said, I am not so as worried about the Accusations I am more pissed off with how you acted.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700591

RealDenis wrote:
Morgan wrote:
RealDenis wrote:

But I 100% think you are lying about not hacking or at least lying about the overlay since there is no way you decided to open Garry's Mod, open your steam overlay page and watch porn THROUGH GARRY'S MOD STEAM OVERLAY. WHO DOES THAT? So that's why I think you are lying however Morgan's behavior is still unacceptable since he did everything he did without valid proof.

The proof actually was valid from what he told me which was that he had the steam overlay open, believe me when the proof was valid until his story changed. Unless you've actually seen the evidence, you can't really speak on it being valid or not.
While you are right that I can't speak on it without seeing it I would assume that if you had the valid proof then you would act upon it no? Even if his story changed if your evidence was airtight then his story wouldn't matter.
That's not how it works
he was claiming I was lying and then was not able to back up his claims. That's what made my Story valid ALONG with all the gyazo pictures I have etc. If I didn't have those or have the story that I did then I would most likely be banned and demoted rn.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700592

AyyLookItzGmad wrote:
Maybe you should look at the pictures and ALL chats. You basically just caused a Hellstorm for me by not keeping it between us and the people who needed to know (your fellow LT members).
As I said
if you apologize (not a half ass one) I will be fine with it as long as you learn your lesson and get talked to (not an official idrc) about what you did wrong.
You also had times where you would ignore me in game, Teamspeak, Meeting.
I asked in you in game if something was allowed you kept talking to someone else or whatever or flying around then just left.
You clearly over reacted with this situation when you started saying that you weren't going to include my proof in the meeting (basically pushing me out of the way so you could get what you want). If you had brought me up with that Video and without my screenshots without a doubt action would have been taken against me as you said previously that people have gotten banned for the same situations.

It was kept between me and my fellow lead team members, as you know even if it's kept between a professional team at times, our services are public and things get out. I never "ignore" people intentionally - I get a lot of messages across those 3 platforms and I can't have tabs on every conversation open at once. (My messages within the past 3 hours) I cannot ever remember ignoring you in game, in fact just last week I was talking with you for an hour or two about ignoring the people harassing you on server 2 and getting that under control, I've always treated you with respect. People asked me if I was going to bring the proof up in the meeting and I didn't bring it up as I didn't feel the proof was valid anymore after your admission to you lying to me about the steam overlay basically negating the proof.
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[SSRP] Morgan speaking to Request 7 years 5 months ago #700594

RealDenis wrote:
Morgan wrote:
RealDenis wrote:

But I 100% think you are lying about not hacking or at least lying about the overlay since there is no way you decided to open Garry's Mod, open your steam overlay page and watch porn THROUGH GARRY'S MOD STEAM OVERLAY. WHO DOES THAT? So that's why I think you are lying however Morgan's behavior is still unacceptable since he did everything he did without valid proof.

The proof actually was valid from what he told me which was that he had the steam overlay open, believe me when the proof was valid until his story changed. Unless you've actually seen the evidence, you can't really speak on it being valid or not.
While you are right that I can't speak on it without seeing it I would assume that if you had the valid proof then you would act upon it no? Even if his story changed if your evidence was airtight then his story wouldn't matter.

It would when the story is a core part in the method of detection for certain hacks that we can't detect with an anti cheat in game.
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