Staff Member(s) Name: Joligeman
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:178657739
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
He wrongly punished me after I was falsely accused of RDM'ing in a report. Some player named The Big Gerry reported me for allegedly shooting him for no reason, after which he false kos'd me, for what I killed him immediately after his callout. He went on to report me saying that I had shot him for no reason, then jumped in the water, triggering his KOS. I'm saying all my shots resulted of his false KOS and should be within a minimal timeframe (one spray for the kill) He would eventually prove himself to be a liar and an RDMer a few rounds later and got banned for mass RDM (CrankyBot banned steamid STEAM_0:0:64343120(The Big Gerry) for 10080 minute(s) (11+ Recents & 4 total Bans)
Joligeman didn't give me a chance to clarify the situation in the usual chatbox that popup when a report is disputed, and directly decided to slay and warn me, stating that I had indeed "shot at him first". When confronted about his methods by a more senior admin he simply left.
The best case scenario for him is that he misunderstood the report and simply checked who shot first, as in a usual case of RDM. He should have checked if I had shot in two separate occasions, because that is what the report is about and what the other player claimed happened.
What server(s) was this on?: TTT 1
Evidence: The damage logs from 16h43 UK Time today
Proof of warning
EDIT: I'm not sure why the URL for the proof doesnt appear, but if needed I can provide the screenshot with the warning appearing.
EDIT 2: The logs should be from 15h43 instead of 16h43