Staff Member(s) Name: Morgan
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82175
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Impersonate me, and directly stating that I am gay in ooc.
What server(s) was this on?: 2
Evidence: From this picture you can see he doesn't have my fully name, but Jabbe! , he has my picture, steam ID and steam URL tho. It's the exact same, and if you copy it, you will get send to my steam profile.
Only SA+ can do this, it's a /incognito command I believe, here is proof of Morgan admitting to it. : . He uses the excuse that he was calling himself gay, and not me, however he was faking my name, steam id and steam url, therefore tricking everyone into thinking it was me, and completely slander.
Proof :
Proof :
This is highly inappropriate from a lead team member to do this sort of behaviour.
SA+ have been given a power to help the server from rulebreaks, but once these powers are being abused to slander the users by calling them gay, I think a line has been crossed.
- 20min later, Morgan joined our ts channel, and I called him a snake, ( I did this because of the slander he did to me, I had a very good reason ) he then put me in another channel and said if I called him a snake again, he would ban me, I then laughed, BUT I didnt call him a snake, he proceeded to ban me for a day. Banned for 24 hours for calling someone a snake.
- Added proof it's a lead team member doing this : He cannot be punished :