Staff Member(s) Name: Assassin
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Slayed and Warned me for "teaming", while I was afk. The only explanation he would give is that a "Traitor killed 3 people in front of me and I didnt do anything". That's probably somewhat accurate, but the big problem is that I was AFK during that round... I didn't know anything about any action taking place that round and still don't know who I'm supposed to have been "teaming" with.
When adressed about his mistake, he prefered resorting to accusations and when I asked him to try to remove the warning if he could, since the events contradict his verdict, he said that "he wouldn't remove it, whatever happened" , meaning whether I'm guilty or not.
That's so unprofessional, a grotesque mistake to begin with, and then the dismissive attitude that followed.
I wonder how one can prove to have been AFK during a round, which he prompted me to do, I hope the logs can shed light on that.
Since I'm the victim of a wrongful punishment, I think he should be the one providing proof for his decision of giving a warning.
Else we have a "guilty until proven innocent" system which opens the door to this kind of abuse. Most people don't have proof of their innocence.
What server(s) was this on?: TTT #1
Evidence: The logs from last night just before 4:43 AM UK time, and a screen of the warning and slay