Kris1 wrote:
Anon_Gaming wrote:
TBH what i don't get is WHY are you reporting Michael for NLR when it is clearly ovias from your video that people are trying to RDM the spawns, which if you start getting shot at you can shoot back at the person shooting you, YOUR video shows that bud.
Therefore my question still remains, WHY are you reporting michael for NLR when he was being RDM'd in spawn, along with atleast 1 other person in the video doing the same as michael.
So you are saying he was allowed to break NLR and help the RDM since he was geting RDM'D
No my point if you read correctly is, WHY are you reporting 1 person for NLR when there was 2 people breaking NLR.
AND as i stated, "IF you get shot you are allowed to shoot back", Michael and the others where being SHOT by people trying to RDM them, meaning they can SHOOT back.
IF i spawn, and i start being shot, I will kill the person shooting me, IF i am in spawn and have NLR due to this person trying to RDM me, then i will still kill that person.
AND also, Targeting the ROUTE course of it would also have stoped that NLR of being in place.
SO if you was to take the RDM'rs away there would have been no NLR.
SO i will ask once more.
WHY are you reporting michael for NLR when he was being RDM'd in spawn, along with atleast 1 other person in the video doing the same as michael?