This is a currently developing situation on server 2, if a mod or admin can come on before then that would be great but if not here is my report. I was on server 2 today and It was chaos as usual because it doesn't get much admin traffic, we had to deal with a group of mass rdmers. Anyways, I figured I could at least do my part by reporting some of the people who were driving it.
RIPLucky (IGN: Chow#Chow4Mod): STEAM_0:1:106397931
Kyle (IGN: IBK #guuted4admin): STEAM_0:0:144959849
| SP | Fenix (IGN: | SP PVT | Fenix Menace): STEAM_0:0:63061824
These three people were running around in a gang essentially murdering everyone on site. I even asked Chow why he was rdming, and he pulled out a gun, killed me, and said "there's RDM, bitch." Additionally they were camping spawn and killing everybody who spawned as well as spamming spawn with explosives and rocket launchers. This surprised me as from what I had seen they were both in the "Vanguard" gang which seemed to be a fairly well known gang, so it is impossible to me that these people did not know what they were doing and had the full intent to break the rules and ruin the gaming experience of other players.
All the proof you need are in these screenshots, look at the most recent screenshots and you will see everything: