Staff Member(s) Name: CyberGaming01
Staff Member(s) SteamID: Unknown for the time being.
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: This post is just a follow up of my Unwarn appeal. I have many screenshots of the logs where you will find Admin CyberGaming01 abusing his powers.
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP Server 1
Evidence: If you would like to look through my recent screenshots yourself, please find them
You will find Admin abuse scattered in the purple text.
These are all of the screenshots provided for CyberGamin01's Admin abuse. You will find constant freezing, muting, jailing and slaying. You can see people in the server complaining. If you are interested in knowing my story, you can find my Unwarn appeal
I apologise for any images that are hard to see or harsh to the eye. I would appreciate if someone could edit these so that the Admin text is easier to read.
Many thanks,