[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57789
This is a demotion request for Angelus. Darth Vader, Johnny Smith and I have compiled a all our evidence of Angelous rule breaking and abusing powers and in total we have over 16 separate accounts.
As I feel that this is a ridiculous amount of rules to be broken by a Super Admin I feel this should far surpass any tier warning and go straight to a demotion.
I had gotten multiple complaints about Angelus and at first I didn't think much of it as they had no proof, however this became quite a common occurrence thus prompting me to spectate him. In such a short amount of time I had seen Angelous break several rules and abuse his powers on multiple occasions. I then spoke to other admins about the footage of Angelus I gathered; they too had complains and their own evidence of Angelus doing similar things on the server. We then complied what we had into this post.
I understand that Angelus is friends and liked by some other Super Admins however this should not get in the way of his obvious rule breaking. I would like each rule broken by Angelus posted in this thread to be seen as separate and not to be seen as one broken rule as each video show multiple account of separate rules broken and power abuse.
I would like to put emphasis on this being a demotion request as I and other admins have enough evidence to proof that he is worthy of a demotion.
On a personal note; I have seen other evidence given of more liked Admins abusing go unnoticed and unpunished, I have even given evidence myself that I had collected and it too has gone unnoticed and unpunished. I'm getting slightly tired with people in power just doing as they like simply as they are more liked by other staff despite them not contributing to the community or server whatsoever.
I have seen other admins warned for small offenses and if this gets overlooked or he is simply given verbal warning then that is obvious undeniable favoritism.
Evidence of Steam-ID
[SSRP] Server 1 & 2
Super Admin
-Noclip Abuse x 3
-Guns as Priest
-God mode Abuse
-Slaying admin for no apparent reason
-Grenades as citizen
-Spawning himself super admin weapons during role play
-Spawning himself special/crafted weapons during role play
-TP abuse
-Numerous accounts of blatant RDM
-Spawning vehicles and using them with players
-Spawning balloons for the vehicles
-Killing players with a jeep
-Fail RP
Story and proof
Because i have multiple videos i will be cutting the story and proof into smaller sections with explanation.
Video 1
Things i wish to highlight:
-Fail RP
-Noclip abuse
-Using guns as a priest
-Spawning himself super admin weapons during role play
-Killing Darth Vader with an admin weapon (RDM)
-Killing normal player with an admin weapon (RDM)
Video 2
Things i wish to highlight:
-Noclip abuse
-Spawning admin weapons during role play
-Killing Dath Vader with a spawned m202 (RDM)
-TP abues
-Randomly slaying Darth Vader x2
-Using a sword as a citizen (using a large weapon as citizen)
Video 3
Things i wish to highlight:
-Spawning an airboat (admin vehicle) for his own use in role play which later gets stolen by a normal player
-Spawning a POD for use in a role play
-Spawning himself weapons (Knife)
-Using a said knife to damage players inside a car
-Abusing his physgun by throwing an airboat with a player inside across a district over a base
-role playing with invisible props
-building with a buggie (admin vehicle)
Video 4
Things i wish to highlight:
-Spawning a POD for himself to use during role play
-Sets the weight of the prop using admin powers
-Drops the POD onto players killing them instantly (RDM)
-Greafing by destroying a players car with a prop
-Shows lack of knowledge of the rules by allowing a player to use a non-collided base entrance (as a super admin this should not happen with such a basic rule)
-Noclip abusing
-Causing unnecessary server lag
-Spawning an M202 and then using it to blow up a car
NA as i have mutable occasions
Other comments
I have a 5th video of Angelus spawning admin weapons and testing them on normal players. I chose not to add this to the post as the editing and upload times would have taken too long as i need sleep. I will post it tomorrow if requested.
Thank you to Darth Vader and Johnny Smith for providing evidence.
I would like this to be openly discussed and resolved before locking. Not just locked with a vague sentence about the issue being discussed then completely ignored. Please don't lock this thread until this is completely resolved.
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57796
Hm, there's been a lot of excuses of him not being demoted, I think back to admin or moderator would be good, since he did abuse and damage a lot of people's experience. I can confirm him doing things like this, because he once RDMed me with a Minigun.
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57800
GregoryTWIX wrote:
Noone is allowed to touch Mingelus.
If this is the attitude that other staff members have towards people they like, and if they take these issues lightly, the staff team will eventually be full of very abusive staff and staff who just minge around rather than help players... In these videos he broke over 7 rules, rules that normal players or moderators would get a very long ban for. I personally think that a demotion to user would be very suitable in this case, since all he does is breaking rules and has fun, rather than handling F1s or helping other players out (This rarely happens as WE HAVE NEVER seen Angelus do that)...
We hope that the lead team takes this issue very seriously, and not as a grain of salt or as a joke...
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57804
I would like to add the proof I have of his abuses..
Sorry for the bad video quality. What he did wrong:
• Nlr (Suicided then Teleported back.)
• Admin abuse (spawned Doubble Barrel.)
• RDM x2 (Killed 2 people with double barrel reason: for fun.)
• Failrp. (Big guns as citizen and Admin on Duty.)
The image shows him basically spawning a matador and killing me with it after having just joined the server.
Please don't say that Angelus is Angelus and he's always just like that or something similar. Fun doesn't mean he can abuse..there are a lot of ways to have fun without ruining people's RP. I hope this will be taken seriously, because this is enough to get someone banned.
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57817
This is eneugh proof for demotion i would say.. I would also like to say a demotion aint bad somethimes. It lets the admins or staff feel they have also to follow the rules and not abuse.. And whoever is defending angelus now is a fanboy.. You can clearly Seehe is breaking loads of rules... There got loads of people banned for breaking only 1 of this rule... We should give him a timeout for like 2 weeks.. Not demote but let him stay off zarp so he can think about what he done.. Some people get banned for holding big gun as citizen and killing 1 person.. I know its not allowed but more mods & admins done it.. As we saw earlier a moderator with an aug...
Demotion is not needed..
Time out is suggested..
Or maybe 1 rank down so he has also to earn super admin back.. That means he got to earn loads of respect back from loads of players..
+support in any ways
Ps. Saturday il be back from my vacation.. I saw dolphines in the oceaan and was great again to see my dolphines again!!! Greetz from croatia !!!!
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57822
This does need to be considered by the leadteam. I do believe that Angelus needs to stop or at least tone down the severity of rule breaking. It is up to the senior staff to decide of course and we can lobby all we want, it's their final say.
I feel he needs to change his attitude A LOT if he wants to be keeping his rank, and as Soxy said he defiantly needs to tone down on the constant rule breaking and abuse of power!
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57825
soxey6 wrote:
This does need to be considered by the leadteam. I do believe that Angelus needs to stop or at least tone down the severity of rule breaking. It is up to the senior staff to decide of course and we can lobby all we want, it's their final say.
I completely disagree with you Soxey. Angleus has been breaking rules and abusing for a long time now, and we really think that he deserves a demotion to user. By the way, watch the videos that luke has provided, what he did could get a normal user/moderator PermaBanned..... And that's just yesterday and a few days ago...
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57826
I completely agree with all this. It's not right, it's abuse. Angelus is too over-powered and finally, you guys have caught him. This is enough evidence to even get him demoted, or even banned!
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57828
Afther i watched these video's twice i think this is not a good player or a person to be on zarp community or in... I think this player should be removed..
Some players get banned perma gor less breaking rules.. What do you call this than ???
He is ruining other players roleplaying..
Why is it mostly in the base of 4th empire when he is spawning in stuff ?? Is he helping them also ?? Nobody is talking about that..
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
The topic has been locked.
[Demotion request] Angelus
10 years 4 months ago #57842
Dcxbigdaddy wrote:
Maybe angleus would like to say something about all of this?
I'm pretty sure he's speechless after seeing how he abused and got caught for the first time.
Now, I would like to send a message to all who think Angelus is just having "fun". I will tell you why you think it's "fun", its fun in your opinion because you might be the one having fun with him or you are his friend and don't want him getting demoted but I still don't understand why you would defend him after seeing those videos. maybe, its because he has never done anything wrong or disturbed you in your rp but I for one got RDMmed by him while trying to raid, do an F1 and just SPAWN. I don't know why he acts so childish and if you see him as "funny" then I'm sorry to say, you as childish as he is. I mean no offence to anyone and I know each person has his opinion and this is mine.
Furthermore, I would like to remind you guys that Angelus has been Favored by the Lead Team and Staff members more than once and an example would be in the screenshot bellow.