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TOPIC: [ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan

[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17888

Elmer J fap wrote:
That's why he brings chat logs to this? Throughout the whole conversation he was critizing my grammar/spelling (over a steam chat) - remember this is Cardigans demote request not Jabbes, he is also very offensive based on players age's and appearance's (even though he has never seen them). Overall he is Extremely offensive - including the fact he shows immaturity nearly all the time, I've seen ten year old's more respectful then this guy.
He didn't write that just for Jabbe, in fact he wrote it to ALL of you that left zarp but came back just to cause chaos. Read the text again and think before you comment. Ren just got demoted for taking up staff position with Scottie and Jabbes demote request is up by Guffe so we're not discussing his demotion here, stop bring it up Elmer.
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Rest in peace great king, forever shall you be remembered for your excellent leadership and strength in battle.

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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17918

Veritas wrote:

Now I will stay on topic. Ren was very offensive to Cardigan aswell but he did not have the gutts to keep his texts where they were. He deleted them hours before he put this up. And I know this for a fact since I saw them but did not feel the need to printscreen them. Sarah (And Ren, I am not sure) added Cardigan yesterday after Sarahs immaturity attack here on the forums slightly after i banned and demoted her ingame. Well, Sarah added Cardigan and started talking shit about me, Mr.Fox and Agentlulz. Cardigan who is a friend did not want to be part of this so he bursted out in rage (Which I agree he could have handled prettier) But the provocations they put on Cardigan is foul. I totally understand him with this outburst since Ren, Elmer, Jabbe and Sarah were immature enough to cause this.

This outburst may be understandable, yes. Cardigan obviously did not know how to handle the situation in a mature manner. He should have simply ignored it and reported it to you or any other Head Admin. Instead he goes and replies, sending hate on Rens steam. If Cardigan doesn't know how to handle a situation, should he really be part of the staff?
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17925

Archangel wrote:
should he really be part of the staff?

You left, and the only evident reason that you would be here attempting to take action upon the person is because of the damage he may have inflicted on your friends and new community.

Revenge is childish. Stop trying to seek it.

That goes for all of you SD's trying to cause problems.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17935

Couldn't agree more with Chris, and do you realize Archangel how much shit I got that evening from people provoking me for being a part of Zarp and still siding with Agent/Veritas? I met my boiling point when the started talking about being unprofessional. I don't abandon people when they're in the time of need unlike you did. As Chris said, you all left Zarp yet you come back to taunt/humiliate the remaining staff for revenge and anarchistic reasons.

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Rest in peace great king, forever shall you be remembered for your excellent leadership and strength in battle.

Battle of Narva
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Russia-12,000 killed and 20.000 captured.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17936

Cardigan when and how exactly did i "smacktalk" your "friends"?
Send proof please.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17937

Sarah wrote:
Cardigan when and how exactly did i "smacktalk" your "friends"?
Send proof please.

Since I didn't think you would go to this extent of actually reporting me on the forums I actually closed the chat.Even though none of you are part of the zarp staff anymore and you clearly made a fool of yourself on server 1 that evening and posting on the forum about Veritas. If you wanna have more proof then it's just to contact steam and have a chat with them and ask them to send chat logs for the previous week on me and you. Read what Chris said and you might understand what's going on here.
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Rest in peace great king, forever shall you be remembered for your excellent leadership and strength in battle.

Battle of Narva
Sweden - 667 killed
1,247 wounded[8]
Russia-12,000 killed and 20.000 captured.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17939

Cardigan wrote:

Couldn't agree more with Chris, and do you realize Archangel how much shit I got that evening from people provoking me for being a part of Zarp and still siding with Agent/Veritas? I met my boiling point when the started talking about being unprofessional. I don't abandon people when they're in the time of need unlike you did. As Chris said, you all left Zarp yet you come back to taunt/humiliate the remaining staff for revenge and anarchistic reasons.

Over the past few days, is there any recorded evidence that I personally attacked anyone in this community? No- I have no wish to. I'm not seeking revenge, nor causing problems.

Yes- I do realize you got shit. I just wanted to point out and underline that you acted unprofessionally, and that you may want to reconsider your actions, and possibly apologize.
That goes for all of you SD's trying to cause problems.
Ummhmm... Remember Yoloswaggins? He spammed porn all over our pages.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17943

Archangel wrote:
Remember Yoloswaggins? He spammed porn all over our pages.

And in collaboration with Agent, I believe this was resolved.

The thing is - it's easier for you to control your community, and soforth should be even easier to control your staff as Konth claims - but given Sarah's actions, and your own (coming on to argue with someone for the sake of protecting your friend, and seeking revenge on someone whom might have upset your friend on a community in which you have left seems like revenge to me) it may seem slightly surpressed - but it is still obvious to us that you are trying to slant our opinion on the basis that you're all buddies and for some of you, just trying to be immature - Jabbe and Sarah for example.

As I was saying - it's much harder for us to control our users in such a big player base. We can't, nor are we obligated to try and control our users actions outside of ZARP. Sure - you made the choice to - led by Scottie and Konth, but even in such a smaller community, your claims fail to appease.

This case is going nowhere except for MAYBE a talking to from Agent.

I'll ask y'all one more time - Get out.

The only basis you are here upon is to help your friendships. Friendship isn't about magic here, it's about the cold, hard rules - and that rule is that anything outside of ZARP is beyond our control.

[size=360:cybsjgud]GOOD DAY.[/size]
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17946

Christopher wrote:
Jabbe wrote:
12 yrs admin on zarp.

If you're even going to try to make a hypocritically negative comment - make it grammatically correct, especially when in the past you have degraded other friends of the community for their English.

This is outside of ZARP and therefore outside of Agent's control. If Agent feels that he wasn't right - he can dispute and discuss with him.

In my opinion - Cardigan WAS over the top, but given the fact that he was evidently provoked and at boiling point, I really don't blame him. People like Sarah and Jabbe (just a few of many names) have been coming back to cause bother. It's not on.

Sure - some people from our community have done it too, and in a recent post by "Konth" - you want us to get hold of our community, and accredit yourself - thinking all of your patrons are "good as gold", but evidently that is not the case, when you can't even control a few admins.

To be honest, it is more difficult for Agent or any other individuals on the management team to muzzle some members who go out the way to damage your community, as we're much bigger and more developed. Don't even begin to compare 'how good you are at maintaining a professional team and civilized community members' when some individuals whom will take a large percentage of your player base obviously contradict it.

Consider it.

You all already left us, and since you have no regard for OUR player base and community - we have no regard for what hurt happens to yours.

Get out.


You're under the false assumption I'm affiliated with everything that SDGaming does. And where's your proof of ANYTHING you just said? I never provoked Cardigan, and I have plenty of respect for ZARP and its players, why else would I still be here? How about you open your eyes for a moment and look at the proof, rather than falling right to Cardigan's feet., your -support has zero reason to back it up. Stop picking sides, this is about the proof, not who you like, and the proof shows Cardigan is a completely disrespectful staff member.
Veritas wrote:
Elmer J fap wrote:
That's why he brings chat logs to this? Throughout the whole conversation he was critizing my grammar/spelling (over a steam chat) - remember this is Cardigans demote request not Jabbes, he is also very offensive based on players age's and appearance's (even though he has never seen them). Overall he is Extremely offensive - including the fact he shows immaturity nearly all the time, I've seen ten year old's more respectful then this guy.

Now I will stay on topic. Ren was very offensive to Cardigan aswell but he did not have the gutts to keep his texts where they were. He deleted them hours before he put this up. And I know this for a fact since I saw them but did not feel the need to printscreen them. Sarah (And Ren, I am not sure) added Cardigan yesterday after Sarahs immaturity attack here on the forums slightly after i banned and demoted her ingame. Well, Sarah added Cardigan and started talking shit about me, Mr.Fox and Agentlulz. Cardigan who is a friend did not want to be part of this so he bursted out in rage (Which I agree he could have handled prettier) But the provocations they put on Cardigan is foul. I totally understand him with this outburst since Ren, Elmer, Jabbe and Sarah were immature enough to cause this.

How? How was I offensive? Did I tell Cardigan to go die? Did I tell him he was a disgrace to his family? No, I didn't, I added him on Steam to tell him what he told Sarah was unacceptable, regardless of who she is and what she did. I never deleted anything from anywhere, Cardigan deleted his own posts on my steam profile, luckily I took pictures. Provide some proof, Veritas, you have zero credibility here. And you know who else bursted out in rage and told Scottie to die? Hewbiee. He was going to be permabanned for it too, I expect no less for Cardigan.
Christopher wrote:
Archangel wrote:
should he really be part of the staff?

You left, and the only evident reason that you would be here attempting to take action upon the person is because of the damage he may have inflicted on your friends and new community.

Revenge is childish. Stop trying to seek it.

That goes for all of you SD's trying to cause problems.

He's a person and a player regardless of if he went to SD, he has just as much right to say as he pleases as I do.
Cardigan wrote:
Sarah wrote:
Cardigan when and how exactly did i "smacktalk" your "friends"?
Send proof please.

Since I didn't think you would go to this extent of actually reporting me on the forums I actually closed the chat.Even though none of you are part of the zarp staff anymore and you clearly made a fool of yourself on server 1 that evening and posting on the forum about Veritas. If you wanna have more proof then it's just to contact steam and have a chat with them and ask them to send chat logs for the previous week on me and you. Read what Chris said and you might understand what's going on here.

She isn't reporting you, I am, get that right. Regardless of what she said, you shouldn't have responded in that way to her, and you sure as hell shouldn't have responded in that way to me.

How about you people look at the evidence rather than all be buddy-buddy with each other.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17948

Christopher wrote:

The thing is - it's easier for you to control your community, and soforth should be even easier to control your staff as Konth claims - but given Sarah's actions, and your own (coming on to argue with someone for the sake of protecting your friend, and seeking revenge on someone whom might have upset your friend on a community in which you have left seems like revenge to me) it may seem slightly surpressed - but it is still obvious to us that you are trying to slant our opinion on the basis that you're all buddies and for some of you, just trying to be immature - Jabbe and Sarah for example.
I attempt to voice my opinion and then I'm personally attacked under the accusations that "I'm just here to hurt ZARP", When I specifically stated
I'm not seeking revenge, nor causing problems.

If its outside your control on Steam, then why should SDGaming be held responsible for its actions on your forum? That would be illogical.

Also going into the fact that I did recognize Rens actions were wrong
Yes- I do realize you got shit.
But I also stated
I just wanted to point out and underline that you acted unprofessionally, and that you may want to reconsider your actions, and possibly apologize.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17949

Yes, Cardigan did shout at you a little, but only because you shouted first. You started it, Cardiagan got tired of your s**t, and ended it.

You're like that kid, who keeps poking the dog with a stick, and then comes crying when it starts barking at you.

You made a thread not that long ago, asking why people didn't like you. I answered, that it's because you talk down to people alot. Every person you discuss with, you always try to hit them on a personal level. Here, Cardigan did hit you on a personal level, so now you can see how it feels...

This is completely out of Zarp, and even if it was here on the forums, it still wouldn't matter.

Man up, and get out of Zarp. I have nothing against SDGaming, but I have something against when members (you, Sarah etc) comes back and starts talking shit about everyone.

Just leave.

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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17950

Cardigan, then don't talk your smack if you don't have any proof.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17953

Sarah wrote:
Cardigan, then don't talk your smack if you don't have any proof.

You know what you did, contact steam for further proof. This post isn't about you, it's what I wrote on Rens profile so scram Sarah.

'' You're like that kid, who keeps poking the dog with a stick, and then comes crying when it starts barking at you. '' Couldn't say it better myself, why are you guys even here when you've left the community? Just here to provoke and make admins pissed so you can record/take prints of them insulting you back after you've said so much crap about them and their friends.
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Rest in peace great king, forever shall you be remembered for your excellent leadership and strength in battle.

Battle of Narva
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Russia-12,000 killed and 20.000 captured.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17955

Your evidence has no regard to it.

It's the fact that loosing Cardigan over your personal problems would be a huge mistake. Right now, all you're trying to do is protect 'SARAH' and 'REN' because they got shouted at. But we all know that he was provoked.

Behave, the lot of you. You don't appease Konth's promise of controlling you - Cardigan may have went over the top, but he had a damn good reason.

Being 'buddy buddy' is as much of a valid justification for us as it is for you. You might have some chat logs, but to be honest - just some qq from Sarah and a slight rage that actually shows a response to YOUR actions (the whole context of it just explains and proves in its entirety that you provoked him) doesn't cover it.

I don't care about your affilation between the two communities. It doesn't actuate me to give a single fuck about the case. The thing is that you guys haven't shown loyalty to ZARP - and on a note with no regard to this, the accused's actions were completely valid - over the top or not, he was obviously provoked.

Of course he can not prove that he was provoked, given that he hasn't been out to prove trouble - and you are. But the thing is, you're just giving us a bad impression of your community as this does very much appear to be an act of revenge based upon 'CARDIGAN's retaliation to your provocative communications. The Steam community messages are enough to say that you did something to make him do so.

Your argument of being nothing to do with disruption is invalid. As I've proven above, this is clearly disruption in the form of trying to get someone you dislike banned - just because he didn't want to approve of Sarah's needs.

Affiliation or not, proof or not, buddy-buddy or not, this is still an invalid case. Cases have been denied before because they are outside of ZARP - and they'll be denied again, unless you wish to be inconsistent and go with:

Sarah cried. Ren cried. Let's ban him.

...which will not happen, as emotions don't play a part in this unfortunately for yourselves.

Even if we DID deal with things outside of ZARP - there'd be no way to prove that ANY of those messages came from the accused, as the steam messages were mainly just quotes, and you could have VERY easily made your steam profile correspond with Cardigans.

So you can call a bias towards out "buddies" - you can say we don't have proof of "being provoked" - but to no avail, as the comment in red above outlines.
Sarah wrote:
Cardigan, then don't talk your smack if you don't have any proof.

He doesn't need to prove why he talks 'smack' - it's at his own leisure and ZARP has no right to control this. It'd be morally wrong. Should he have taken down proof of your side of the bullying and made a report at SDGaming, you would have been of the exact same opinion.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17958

I'm gonna agree with xahenstraz (because he is the smartest person I know XD) and give a -Support U did start shit Ren, and Sarah, Sorry but you were also f*cking around on the forums, O and Chris? GG
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17960

I want to point out that Cardigan actually said that he wanted Ren to DIE

They both said stuff to eachother, but the thing is that he actually wanted Ren to die.

he got provoked, but he didnt have to go that far, its not that unmanageable when you get mad. Even if Ren started with some harsh words
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17961

Xahenstraz wrote:
Yes, Cardigan did shout at you a little, but only because you shouted first. You started it, Cardiagan got tired of your s**t, and ended it.

You're like that kid, who keeps poking the dog with a stick, and then comes crying when it starts barking at you.

You made a thread not that long ago, asking why people didn't like you. I answered, that it's because you talk down to people alot. Every person you discuss with, you always try to hit them on a personal level. Here, Cardigan did hit you on a personal level, so now you can see how it feels...

This is completely out of Zarp, and even if it was here on the forums, it still wouldn't matter.

Man up, honestly, and get out of Zarp. I have nothing against SDGaming, but I have something against when members (you, Sarah etc) comes back and starts talking shit about everyone.

Just leave.


How? How did I start it? Where's the evidence? And it doesn't matter if it happened outside of Zarp, this is the behavior of your admin towards players, once again, how about you look at the evidence rather than simply taking sides because Cardigan is your friend.

And he didn't "shout a little," did you even read the comments he wrote to me? He wished death upon me and told me my family was ashamed of me. I take that very personally. The worst I ever said to him, EVER in the history I've known he was "that was unacceptable," referring to what he said to Sarah. I never attacked him on a personal level.
pjread01 wrote:
I'm gonna agree with xahenstraz (because he is the smartest person I know XD) and give a -Support U did start shit Ren, and Sarah, Sorry but you were also f*cking around on the forums, O and Chris? GG
What did I start? How? Evidence? Once again, stop sucking up and have an opinion of your own, Cardigan may be your friend but it doesn't mean he deserves to be here anymore. Seriously, read what he wrote to me on my profile comments on the first picture I put here THEN make a judgement.
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[ACCEPTED] Ban/Demotion Request of Cardigan 11 years 8 months ago #17968

This use of Language to any player is not acceptable, Warned.

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