From an out of game perspective:
Taking into consideration the events that transpired the day of this report, and after reading this thread’s comments, this seems to be a revenge report.
You are currently in a vindictive mindset and I can’t accept this report in good faith after you explicitly told me you were gonna “make all players my bitch and report them for the smallest things” (not verbatim because it’s basically unreadable). To me, you are looking for revenge due to receiving a warning.
From an in-game RP perspective:
I have been watching the clip you submitted 20+ times now, and can’t for the life of me understand why anyone in their right mind would want to run towards an active shooting.
Maybe don’t run towards a cop who is in an active shootout with a machete in hand and expect things to turn out great.
From an in-game non-RP perspective:
You were in spawn, you didn’t lose anything, you were morbidly curious about the shootout going on, and Zannie apologised right away.
# Lock Please!