First of all, You've been breaking New Life Rule several times as we killed you as cop but you just returned - We kicked you for that. You've been proppushing our props and you randomly scanned our base (FailRP). That tunnel was not the entrance,But just a disguise,We blocked it off with props. The entrance was located at this place:
There were gaps between the fences because of the ''Stacker tool'', If you've been more carefully you could also hit us - So this isn't against the rules.
1. We didn't force you to crouch as that was a fake entrance.
2. We didn't shot any bullet through a fence,but between them because of the stacker tools mistakes.
3. We kicked you for breaking the ''New Life Rule'' - You came back after we killed you, and scanning our house for no reason '"FailRP''.
4. We placed those ''wooden'' props because you proppushed our props away, We blocked it off a bit. At that moment we were also able to shoot you through that hole you made - This was your own fault.
(Number 4 can be seen here:)