Name - What is the accused person's name? Elmer J Frap
STEAM-ID - What is the accused person's STEAM-ID? N/A
Reason - What rules did the person break? Mod abusing(Freezing, Slaying, goto), Nlr breaking, rping as MoD, Disrespecting me.
Story - What happened? I was on a raid trip with daspflanze. we raided elmer and when i killed him he returned back so i shot him again, then he used goto and i shot him again, he again used goto and froze me and my friend so we was unable to raid him, after that he made himself MoD and sayd he isnt rping, after that he tp me out of his house and slayd my friend without any reason, i went back in his house and saw how a hobo was at his printers and he (still on MoD) got killed by the hobo, he used goto again to the hobo and he tried to destroy his printers. In my eyes hes unable to be a mod and its not the first time i saw him abusing but for the other stuff i got no proof. i hope he gets demoted!
Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened.
i made a album with many pics of him and the console log.
Server - What server was this on? 3
Time and date (CET) - 01/04/13 , Time:N/A
Other comment - Anything else you want to add? N/A