Staff Member(s) Name: Xnator
Staff Member(s) SteamID: N/A
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?: Abused his power to ban.
What Server(s) Was This On?: The Forums
boom box
a large portable radio and cassette player capable of powerful sound.
I’m pretty sure whoever handles this appeal knows what a boom box is but just incase I will explain. A boom box is a large box that produces sound, words or noises whatever you want to call it. Now if you look at the image of my deleted post you will see he said
Actions speak louder than words in which I replied I have a boom box.... because you know boom boxes are very loud.
I don’t think he should be staff if he lacks the ability to understand words have more than one meaning. Now you will ask what’s that supposed to mean well I’ll explain again. My ban reason was offensive, racism and some other made up stuff and after talking to reaker he asked me if it was an offensive joke. I was at this point confused because I wasn’t sure how a boom box was offensive but it came to my attention Xnator wanted to be offended so he thought a boom box goes “Boom” as in a bomb. So yo me anything that’s got boom in it would be associated with a bomb? Cause that don’t make no god damn sense.
You can see in the screen shots that’s the post he was referring too because he mentioned it himself in his reply. Not only was this ban unjust it was stupid and I can’t believe that someone would support this ban if it’s true this was just according to him that someone supported it but he can’t be believed after false bans.
If you now look at the private reasons he says starting drama which I’m sure he put there to make himself look good because he knew there was nothing else he could get on me. I gave him the opportunity to fix this ban when I messaged him in Steam but he refused because he thought he looked good by false banning me.
Forums and TeamSpeak
The ethos now also applies to the forum and TeamSpeak, this means that we expect all staff to be friendly and civil on the forums and to avoid approaching users in aggressive or unprofessional manor. We also want people to consider other means of stopping abusive users other than banning them.
I’ve never been spoken to I’ve never been banned so I’m not sure why the ethos wasn’t followed here either. He had me on Steam so he could of easily messaged me and asked me the meaning behind the picture but he didn’t bother he just wanted to abuse. I have now removed him because I refuse to have someone on my list when they’re ruining zarp.