_Eddie_ wrote:i.gyazo.com/2f563b4fdcd9bb5ad94e52860ca65708.jpg - Fives was getting really agitated in admin chat, he may have not shown it in public chat but he wanted it to be dealt with
i.gyazo.com/d6cd9ca467226fd84b6ddaea69fe2c40.jpg - Bare in mind your name started as Denis, I don't know why, you then changed it to "Fives is a RDM'er" while calling Fives an RDM'er in chat with the new name, then you changed it to hi im alfie, whether this was intentional or not does not really matter, you were still harassing him before.
I would have screenshots of you harassing him him in chat but I was alive and you were dead, if someone could fill that one in for me that was alive, the people that told me about it happening, it would be good
i.gyazo.com/8e83def0e474ac2a9f039d91bd7ab7b0.jpg - This was after awhile of the harassment where Fives did not know what to do, I decided to help
i.gyazo.com/458fbd44ff175ca7d8ac8c9929fec606.jpg - After this you proceeded to carry on even further, this is when I decided to ban you
Eddie wrote this on the last demote request, and it is just showing the admin chat, this is not proof at all, I want to see solid proof of you guys telling Alfie to change his name. It's actually funny how you guys think that the name of Alfie is uncommon.
Also in this screenshot, it shows that he was only getting agitated about him having the same name as someone else, but I see nothing to do with harassment there. So yet again we're awaiting at least 1 hint of solid proof from all of those staff members who witnessed this situation.
Most of the staff members on the server claimed that he was being harassed, but he was not verballed, warned, or punished as far as I know. This is just absolutely poor staffing on your end.