Staff Member(s) Name: MattorS
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177633343
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Muted me, telling me to "calm down", after I pointed out that I was moderately upset with the fact that he'd just lied about me spamming.
I had reported an issue three times, with ample time inbetween, the offence having occured roughly 30 minutes before I was muted. After the issue was eventually handled through other means (having continued to be ignored by the staff online, including MattorS), and I made a remark about it being faster to report stuff on the forums than on the server.
MattorS told me that it isn't, to which I gave the evidence of my just performed predicament, where after 30 minutes of several reports, my issue wasn't even responded to, let alone handled.
After I said this, MattorS responded
"[Adminstrator] [Templar] MattorS: Sir Codey see, if you spam rubbish in the chat, it makes it difficult for us"
At no point did I spam any rubbish in the chat, not to mention that doing so shouldn't make it any harder for you to read and then respond to my report, considering that I did it three times over thirty minutes. I told MattorS that at no point had I spammed anything in the chat, and that I considered it disrespectful for him to say so, and that I didn't consider it kind of him to publically denounce me for breaking a rule that I had not broken, in an attempt to cover up what was essentially incompetence on the behalf of the staff team in regard to that incident.
I was then muted, and at no point was I / have I been unmuted, despite it having been ~20 minutes by now.
it feels to me that my comment was blown out of proportion, as was my punishment, considering the situation I was placed under (having my report ignored despite there being 3-4 staff members online, for half an hour).
What server(s) was this on?: It was on the Trouble in Terrorist Town server.