I still stand by the fact that he abused his TP - it clearly shows he was asassinated and TPed back. For all of you who may feel that my accusation is hypocritical, it really doesn't matter - he did it anyway. I did 'bring' one of my friends, but that's being dealt with - and I HAVE justified in the report made against me.
Most of the screenshots are still valid, he obviously doesn't know the etiquette of being a moderator.
Jabbe wrote:
Lmao Hooves, ofc you +support. You talked with him over skype!
Err, please, don't come in here with your 'lmao' if you're unsure of the situation.
I was respectful and mature on your report on me, and I expect equal treatment in return, else it just adds to your incapability of maintaining professional image.
The only people in my skype call were Joda, Admiral, Killjoy and Ferrow. I don't even have hooves on skype.
Jabbe wrote:
ALSO: I was told by Agentlulz not to answer F1's
I respect his order.
Wow, kicked him to help my own raid?? Are you serious? Swampert and I wanted to buy Grenades, and your friends came and killed us WHILE we were buying grenades. We wasn't even raiding, stop lying Chris. You're just going in tryhard move, deal with the fact that u abused.
Not sure about that, but perhaps it was just something in correlation with you. Either way, it's common sense to realize you shouldn't be going round helping people if you can't answer F1 requests - it's there for people to use, people have perfectly good admins and mods who have been instructed to use F1, why should you fill up OOC with something that is counter announced on a frequent basis telling people to use F1?
To be honest, I see no reason for you to even come near our base - sure, there's coincidence but as much as I can't prove it was a raid, knowing the messages you sent to me about moving out leading up to your actions, the chances are slim of it NOT being some form of forced entry.
We can't take either persons word for this here, but given my first impressions of you I still believe that the kicks were unjust.
You really don't have to go all unprofessional again, do you? There was no need to say that my report was a 'tryhard move' - I could say the same thing for yours, because your proof doesn't show the circumstances.
I'm not holding up ANY accusations of abuse against you without clear foundations of proof - so please, return the favor.
Konth wrote:
Chris, your 'proofs' are weak and don't show anything, as Scottie said, it just seems like you both are trying to report each other.
Konth, I advise that you reconsider your opinion based on this proof:
This really isn't some form of report war, I have plenty of screenshots of other rule breakers which I will be placing on the forums this weekend. It's just going to become my practice to review all my screenshots at once rather than on the fly. Jabbe's screenshots would have eventually been reached, but because of his report on me, I've been provoked to put this back.
I had nothing against jabbe until he kicked my friends, failed to justify when asked, and instead threatened me with a screenshot. He had no reason at all to bring that screenshot up during a discussion about his actions - completely irrelevant.
Konth wrote:
Anyways Chris, unless you have real proofs, with real purposes for demotion/ban and not your childish arguments, then post it or else, this is probably going to get closed.
Really finding some inconsistency or favoritism here. There's an equal offense to what Jabbe is reporting me for within this report.
My proof amounts stronger than his, none of the screenshots show the circumstance - which was, incase you missed, a TP because he was stuck.
So, you fail to point out the weak proof on his report, but mine is completely terrible? I've indicated a lack of professionalism and thought here too - it really should outweigh, so please, before you criticize, take consistency into account first.
Jabbe wrote:
Well Konth, I have proof of him abusing teleport to make his " meeting "
As you falsely accused me of breaking within your report, I will do the same now - this isn't the place to discuss my proof.
With regards to these screenshot, there was no proof that I was making a meeting - I'll admit I WAS making a meeting, but there were many more people in my base that I could have '!bring' too - but I didn't, because Joda was stuck - and if you don't believe me, there's no evidence in your screenshots to say that it was abusive either - so I think we can clear that up now.
To the rest of you, please do stay on topic. This isn't a bobiii report - And on the comments that bobiii made, I'm not going to comment as there is insufficient proof - but I can't say I'd be surprised, from experience, that Jabbe would have communicated with you in those ways.