justa wrote:
Also can I just say, although it may not be the most valid of reasoning for a demotion I believe it's a fair point. If this admin, Hamzah is unable to understand players and arguments to a reasonable understanding, and who is immature on how he handles situations on server, is he really applicable for the admin role?
He has stated clearly he is 12, which if he was mature would be fine, but he's not. He's childish does not explain himself when confronted and only uses the same similar responses of: "have you even played on ZARP?"; "everyone else does it" etc. In my personal opinion and quite evidently in a lot of others too he is not suitable for his role as a server administrator, majority of players find him annoying, not understanding and at times dumb.
I just thought that should be noted as well.
Also i said its commen knowledge to ban the main account if they ban evade, and with my prior experience you can and will be banned on your main for ban evading