Name - (What is the accused person's name?)There were many such as Bankok Klaperfoot smallnazgul
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?)This is Klaps steam Id:STEAM_0:1:92218337,This is smallnazguls steamid STEAM_0:0:85735772,I dont know bankoks steam id
Server - (What server was this on?)zarp deathrun
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happen?)at 9:30pm at uk time
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)Sorle was in the screenshot but he wasn't mic spamming
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)They broke the rule mic spam and maybe racism
Story - (What happened?)Basically we were playing deathrun and annie left,straight after that people were mic spamming and I think bankok said the N word.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)