Nikoo wrote:
Mw2_terminal - its pretty cool i like mw2
Mw2_highrise - its pretty cool i like mw2
if you say the only issue is not enough props just add them, and if you dont want to do that but for some reason prefer editing the entire thing then go for it, I can see those being pretty decent maps
Both maps are great indeed, and the only problem, as mentioned, is that they lack props - This might sound totally dumb, but the whole point of the gamemode itself is to transform into and hide as a prop. I can add them with no issue, but as i told Kyber, I'm not willing to just slap props here and there and say that my job is done, i want to make it as immaculate as possible in case i decide to make a ph_ version of both of these maps. Adding props is easy, but adding them and maintaining the good look of the map is tricky when it comes to these two particular maps.