I completely agree with Morgan on this one, I am not trying to be edgy nor rude, and it is your life not mine.
Now you mentioned "sex change", this is where things start to get a little hazy in terms of healthiness.
I will go ahead and try to showcase some data in my post, to make a claim against having "sex reassignment surgery(SRS)".
All of the data I am going to mention from here onward are studies conducted by various organisations and institutes some clinical studies others observational studies.
Suicide and suicidal behaviour among transgender people after a "SRS" has been performed on them is astonishingly high, upward of 40% and over 50% have also claimed to have attempted suicide at least once.
If we take in to account the people who were too afraid to even admit to doing such a sad thing as suicide we are left with nothing, but a very sad case of numbers.
In addition to that, the high suicide rate has little to none to do with discrimination.
Even after Jim Crow laws were enacted, that forced something as severe and racist as "racial segregation" the black suicide rate did not even breach to the same levels of people with gender dysphoria.
Trust me when I say, that what black people faced during Jim Crow laws is much worse then the discrimination towards transgender people and it was not just words that the laws prevented it was much more then that.
Numerous studies also suggest that the overall quality of life after having a "SRS" done does not improve the case of gender dysphoria and in some cases even lowers the quality of life, not to mention all the trouble that comes with it once the realization hits of what you have done.
If you are going to also undergo hormone therapy, that will come with another set of problems that is too long to list.
In the midst of writing this I have noticed there is just too much to simply state, please I beg of you to read upon this, this is a permanent decision that is irreversible.
One of the most troubling statistics that I mentioned was the suicide rate, think of this rationally and logically, okay?
Do you think you are the only person who thought that they are going to be well and fine after the "SRS" or even hormone therapy, probably not, most people think that "I will be fine, I am not going to be one in that number" but as I mentioned turns out close to 40% have.
Since there were so many studies and trials I read through, it would simply take up too much space, so I decided to place them all in a pastebin.
I wish to hammer home the first point I made, this is not to be rude nor edgy, this is my way of trying to help you more with the question you were having which was "What am I?"
I wish you all the luck buddy, if you have any questions on this subject I am quite well versed in it just add me on steam I have also linked that below.
SOURCES AND LINKS: pastebin.com/vEfJA34d steamcommunity.com/id/schrodingers/