Hello everyone, you may have noticed that recently I've been a bit of a cunt towards pretty much anyone who isn't my mate, especially those who are staff on servers that aren't Deathrun and I want to say sorry for it.
The three people who I feel I've mostly targeted with foul language are Morgan, Arhick and TheXnator and I want to apoligize to each of you here.
I literally use your servers as my 'base of operations' to minge, troll and be disrespectful generally, I go on there and don't leave until I am banned or have a ban request. This is a really fucking stupid thing to do, I think I mainly do this as I don't agree that you should have all this power you have, I don't think my opinion is going to change about the power, I just won't be a cunt about it and will explain why why I don't like it rather just saying my typical 'fuck off' or something.
I think you and I have had some problems since we both met, I remember it as you had an illegal mining dupe down nearly every day on server three and I seemed to think 'ah it's just a new player I'll just fucking blow it up and place down my own dupe, he won't mind' which is what I did and you seemed to have some issues with that and we had a bit of a shouting match and after a few days it got to the point where you reported me for illegal mining dupes / raiding mines. Ever since then we've just generally been at each others throats on the forums, weirdly enough we haven't had any issues since then.
Sorry for being a cunt to you recently, but you really pissed me off with that warning for playing a rap song, which is mainly why I did some of the shit I've done, like target you on murder when I am innocent with a gun and just shooting you or just being plain rude.
Other than that I don't seem to remember directly trying to piss you off, I guess the only other bad experiences I've had with you is when I break rules infront of you, even then I still feel like an idiot for just generally acting negativly towards you.
Obviously I want to apologise to anyone else who I affected with my bad attitude I know that if I continue the way I am it's a steep, slippery slope to a community ban, I don't want to end up back there. It's a very damn annoying process to get unbanned.
I think the reason I act the way I do towards staff (on SSRP) is because I have been one in the past but only a moderator, during one of those times I found it incredibly easy to stop what I was doing unless I was raiding or doing something you can't just stop without finishing, with this generation of SSRP staff I and a lot of others have noticed that they just don't seem to want to stop talking to a mate for two seconds and deal with someone elses problem like they should be doing, some just go for bare minimum so they can get through the week without getting spoken to and can then relax which isn't too bad I guess, at least they're doing something but it would be nice if they could go above that when they have the time.
Because of this I target staff and just call them useless and disrespect them which normally ends up with me getting a voice/chat mute.
I know I've said this a thousand times but I want to mean it and I know I can, don't say it's because I hang around with the wrong people, I am not normally someone who is influenced easily, if anything I am someone who can influence easily.
Starting from today I am going to try to get no intentional punishments and hopefully the only ones I recieve are for genuine mistakes, even then I am going to cut down and make sure I am more careful. If I have any problems I'm not going to try to solve them myself but go to a member of staff and ask for some advice, I know I have lot of them on my friends list I just never make the effort to click a few buttons and type out what it is I am having an issue with.
Thanks to Coutinroy for helping me and believing in me for that change, sorry I let you down recently with my attitude I know I went against most of the things I've said.
If you've had any issues with me or think I've targetted you with my spree of hate and negative attitude then please do add me on Steam so I can say sorry, my Steam profile can be found
My gang however is going to stay how it is, some may view it as toxic but we're just fighting for what we believe in and we're doing it within the rules.
Please don't respond with something snarky saying give it a week because that just demotivates me and just makes me think people don't care, which is why I started doing it again the last few times.
If you want to reply to this but feel your response would break TOU, please do message me on Steam, Para's response didn't really break TOU but he felt more comfortable telling me on Steam and I thank him for it.
TL;DR - I'm sorry for being a dick, things are going to change.
EDIT: If you're here to shitpost and didn't actually read a single word of my post then don't even bother trying to get your post count up...