Morgan wrote:
What are your honest thoughts about me?
You do a good job of inspiring the staff, even if you give cringy speeches.
HarryAssMent wrote:
When you got CM why did you turn your back on us? and stopped responding?
I respond a lot. You've just got to use the right medium and ask the right questions.
Coutinroy wrote:
y r u weird
Because I'm the devil.
Klaprefot wrote:
Opinion on me?
Opinion on Norway?
Norway or Sweden?
Do you regret using all your money on gaming?
1. I don't see you around as much as before.
2. Never been there, probably better than Sweden.
3. Probably Norway.
4. I didn't spend it all, and no I do not regret spending the money I've spent.
Sally wrote:
Who is Jasmine?
Jasmine Bogaerde, is an English singer known her stage name Birdy.