CaptinF1rework wrote:
Why does this meme relate to you?
Wiz_Khalifa wrote:
Are you and para already working on the extra VIP features and the new game mode you guys promised us?
If yes do you have a date when it would be released?
There are things being planned and worked on but as for what exactly that will be I cannot say. Some of the things planned have been put on hold however due to other things popping up that we did not know about until post-election.
Raifster123 wrote:
- personal opinions on me?
- Are you my dad?
- why hack?
- can i use your hacks on zarp?
- did you think you would get CM?
1. I've recently seen a lot more of you, that's a good thing. But I still don't really know you much.
2. No comment.
3. So I can be more like ParaMontana.
4. No no.
5. It varied through out the campaign. Don't really know what I thought in the end.
Onion wrote:
Opinion on me?
Do you like cookies?
1. I cry when I cut you.
2. Does the sun shine?
Mix3rz wrote:
do you think Im a minge?
More than that.
Luan wrote:
1. why are you gay
2. Have you been shot
3. when are you getting out of the ghetto
4. can you please send me your hacks over skype , you said you would but you didnt
5. what is the most effective way to eat sand?
1. Please follow the TOU.
2. Not by a real gun.
3. Sooner rather than later.
4. You wouldn't know how to use them since they're not cheats just hacks.
5. You already discovered that yourself.