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TOPIC: Well...

Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392807

I'm disappointed, There is no point explaining when no one will listen, I make valid points which are ignored.

I should've realised that I need to stop trying when there is no use.

I'll be honest I tried to change, I really did

I'll shut up now, I'm sure everyone is tired of listening to me complain but it won't do anything so I'll just quit

I'm trying to make the staff team a better place but I guess its someone elses job not mine... Lets hope someone with experiance like Gems or Elemental, can help improve because I've failed.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392808

I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent months to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team. If you consider making posts that slander the staff team helpful then it really isn't and should stop making them. Attempt to be constructive.
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Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by CaptinF1rework.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392809

Kapi it takes a long time for people like us to change but your point is vaild xD

I got a warning by a staff member for nlr when his friend rdmed me in front of him and he wouldn't let me explain what happened. I cant be bothered with the new staff team.
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Thank You kapi , plus karma kapi please
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392810

CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.
He tried teaching staff how to become better,And the most important thing is that he tried to teach the staff the Ethos
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392811

CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.

It feels good when you try and help and no-one recognises, I was a staff member for years man

In the past I broke rules on purpose, and know I'm just trying to contribute, If you think I'm not helping compared to my old self you are obviously not paying attention.

I get pissed when get warned because it goes on my record and defies me as a user, I just want to retain my former rep.

I constantly make suggestions to try to help around, I state in many of my posts valid points which can be easily understood.

I recently made a explained Staff Ethos which took me HOURS and yet someone of high ranking like you dosen't realise it.

Sad times man...
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392812

Marco. wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.
He tried teaching staff how to become better,And the most important thing is that he tried to teach the staff the Ethos

I'm fairly sure that most staff members are told what the ethos is in there training. Punishments area up to a staff member and there discretion, it doesn't mean that you have to always verbally warn someone or always only warn them. A staff member can do what they deem as being acceptable.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392813

CaptinF1rework wrote:
Marco. wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.
He tried teaching staff how to become better,And the most important thing is that he tried to teach the staff the Ethos

I'm fairly sure that most staff members are told what the ethos is in there training. Punishments area up to a staff member and there discretion, it doesn't mean that you have to always verbally warn someone or always only warn them. A staff member can do what they deem as being acceptable.
I'm not talking about Mango or something,I'm talking to the staff members that actually don't know them/respect them
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392814

CaptinF1rework wrote:
Marco. wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.
He tried teaching staff how to become better,And the most important thing is that he tried to teach the staff the Ethos

I'm fairly sure that most staff members are told what the ethos is in there training. Punishments area up to a staff member and there discretion, it doesn't mean that you have to always verbally warn someone or always only warn them. A staff member can do what they deem as being acceptable.

I understand that man, but the Ethos is there to help staff make those decisions and if any staff member has personal issues with the user they can choose to ignore the ethos, And now that I'm trying to keep slate and I get warned for a minor rule it don't feel good. Before you ignore me try to imagine yourself in my eyes bro, I'm just trying to help
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392815

Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.
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Thank You kapi , plus karma kapi please
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392816

DillyBoy22 wrote:
Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, if you had actually any idea then you'd know what goes on behind the scenes, if you need an Admin make an F1 instead of shouting people names, then you'll get response.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392817

DillyBoy22 wrote:
Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.
Just request a lead team member through F1, or contact in TeamSpeak.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392818

DillyBoy22 wrote:
Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.
The lead team is more "behind the scenes" stuff, they put in a lot of effort into the server, but it's often not recognised enough due to it being less public. Trust me, they're 100% needed and we'd all notice the difference without them.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392821

The Lead Team is fine, I despised them in the past but recently I realised that they just trying to make everyone's experience good, I can't say the same about some staff, but there will never be perfect, I'm trying to help though.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392822

KapiJam wrote:
The Lead Team is fine, I despised them in the past but recently I realised that they just trying to make everyone's experience good, I can't say the same about some staff, but there will never be perfect, I'm trying to help though.

If you wanted to try to help like you've said you've 'tried' give us names of the people, because right now you're saying things, and doing nothing.
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Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Brandify.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392830

CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent months to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team. If you consider making posts that slander the staff team helpful then it really isn't and should stop making them. Attempt to be constructive.

He have made a few posts about the ethos and also reporting staff members. The problem is that people get accepted to the staff team too easy which makes it more tempting to abuse
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392834

Brandify wrote:
DillyBoy22 wrote:
Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, if you had actually any idea then you'd know what goes on behind the scenes, if you need an Admin make an F1 instead of shouting people names, then you'll get response.

yea f1's get handled so quickly

Dont want to be negative here but if anyone actually wants to change the staff team it would have to be atleast a HA+ having a talk with all of the staff on said server
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392852

Another Problem I see with the staff team aswell is The HA always deny The Staff Team Having some major issues. This is one of The reasons why the staff team is bad. Basically You guys Do Not listen to the people Who put countless hours into The server And The ones who play everyday and know whats best for the server. You guys should Start listening To the community a bit more and Im sure We're all gonna notice a Improvement.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392864

DillyBoy22 wrote:
Tbh some of the lead team for ssrp just walk around the map doing fuck all even if you call there name like 100 times they just blank you like your not there . So i dont see how they pick people to be staff in the first place anyway.

At ever staff meeting we remind the lead team to ignore you so we can read your posts on the forums bitching about it. Just shut up already if you don't ha e anything constructive to say at least Kapi is trying to make a point your just being an ignorant a hole for no reason boo hoo the lead team don't notice me. Go do something good instead of crying and maybe we will.

Rest of the thread is pretty intreasting.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392869

Aspect wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent months to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team. If you consider making posts that slander the staff team helpful then it really isn't and should stop making them. Attempt to be constructive.

He have made a few posts about the ethos and also reporting staff members. The problem is that people get accepted to the staff team too easy which makes it more tempting to abuse

It's gotta be some what easy "fair" or we would have a shortage of staff and then there will be another thread up saying my f1s not got done in less than two minutes I hate this server stupid fucking staff team boo hoo in making alts now because I'm mad. It's the same shit month after month after month there will always be bad staff members but they get demoted in time and with evidence. We won't just demote someone because a couple people thing their bad or they don't do their job right because agian that would lead to another post about not being fair.

Good Staff > countless f1s > hours of helping out > stops role playing for hours > one staff team warns someone for a minor rules > the person doesn't like it > post thread saying fuck the staff team > bad lead team > bad server

Moral of the story there is NO winning its a game and it's what you make it.
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Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by RedPowder.
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392872

Aspect wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent months to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team. If you consider making posts that slander the staff team helpful then it really isn't and should stop making them. Attempt to be constructive.

He have made a few posts about the ethos and also reporting staff members. The problem is that people get accepted to the staff team too easy which makes it more tempting to abuse

Why dont you apply . i know that you know the rules very well you could be a great addition to the team.
No joke intended being serious here :)
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