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TOPIC: Well...

Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392880

Dappy - Good intentions
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392914

CaptinF1rework wrote:
Marco. wrote:
CaptinF1rework wrote:
I don't really see what you have done recently in attempt to even contribute to the staff team and help it. I don't see you do anything, you haven't even been staff in recent moths to help the server. In my opinion you don't do anything that helps the staff team.
He tried teaching staff how to become better,And the most important thing is that he tried to teach the staff the Ethos

I'm fairly sure that most staff members are told what the ethos is in there training. Punishments area up to a staff member and there discretion, it doesn't mean that you have to always verbally warn someone or always only warn them. A staff member can do what they deem as being acceptable.

No offensive reply here but captain why are you staff? Open your eyes and see the staff members are not quite followng the ethos why are they here when the staff it self could choose any punish they want? Why are they bothering writing the ethos down? Could you answer that? ;)
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392950

I can't agree or Disagree.
The staff team Isn't perfect, far from it but it definitely isn't anywhere near complete shit compared to what it was before. It depends on the player base, new rules, peoples opinions. I myself have over reacted and called out a certain part of the staff team, the staff team in general etc but that doesn't mean it's true it's people using stupid reasons for excuses. I have my opinions on some staff and that's okay but because 4 or 5 aren't the best doesn't mean the next 20 are all bad. I have fucked up, so have others and that doesn't make us all bad staff, users etc it means we need to improve. I don't think the staff team is perfect, nor the lead team there is always room for improvement or mistakes that are made simple or serious. We just need to accept the fact that we can't have it our way anymore, or ever. We wont ever get that old Lead Team like we had back then, we wont ever get that old Staff Team like we had back then, accept what they are trying to do for us even if they make mistakes they are mostly all here to make the staff team a better place.

Take Paramontana for example, we don't have the best history nor the worse, we have our arguments time to time and majority of the time he is right. I make mistakes and I just get caught up in stupid reasons why I think it's okay and then I get proven wrong (and yes I am gonna stop rulebreaking and trolling after what happened today). He is a far better staff then I ever was I was a good SA big boy. but that doesn't mean that I was terrible back when I was in my better days at staffing, just stop complaining guys nothing is gonna chance unless something has happened and you can make a differences with it. If you see staff clearly abusing, breaking the ethos or rules just record it and report it. I am tired of hearing all this crap without seeing good material to base something off. If you can't prove it, leave it.

But also I see your point, we need to change some things but it still isn't as bad as you make it seem with everyones over dramatic shit talking it doesn't make you guys seem right just over dramatic and egoistic as majority of this community has become. Some things need changing and other things are fine or people need to get used to it, it's irritating when a staff makes a mistake or two yes I get it, but you guys over react just shut the hell up and leave it and wait for someone to change that. Coutinroy for example, he was warning left and right and being to harsh, after a week of it all going on I myself just told him he needs to be more lenient and accepting for what happens and boom, he witnessed me and my friends fucking about and let us off as long as it didn't get out of hand and once it did he stopped us, same with other users I've witnesses his sits he's a great staff and you guys bash on him because you don't realize what you are doing is wrong, not a good idea or getting out of hand and you always say (follow the ethos) when you made a mistake, all though some situations were a bit over the top it doesn't mean he or the staff team is terrible. as I said, shut the hell up and deal with it all I see is crying and nothing worthy of a demote or changing in the staff team.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by GmodTrolla.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Roy Harper

Well... 8 years 5 months ago #392989

Want wrote:
Dappy - Good intentions

Fave song

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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #393007

AyyLookItzGmad wrote:
Coutinroy for example, he was warning left and right and being to harsh, after a week of it all going on I myself just told him he needs to be more lenient and accepting for what happens and boom, he witnessed me and my friends fucking about and let us off as long as it didn't get out of hand and once it did he stopped us, same with other users I've witnesses his sits he's a great staff and you guys bash on him because you don't realize what you are doing is wrong, not a good idea or getting out of hand and you always say (follow the ethos) when you made a mistake, all though some situations were a bit over the top it doesn't mean he or the staff team is terrible.

ty bb
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Well... 8 years 5 months ago #393095

Kinda happy I didn't get roasted that much, It's not a hate thread hope everyone understands that
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