If you've had any issues on any of Zarp Gaming's servers, like you've lost items or you've found a bug and you'd like to report it or you have any suggestions then you could post in this section and the
owners would read it and get back to you! If you'd like to post a suggestion then use this template:
Suggestion Template:[b]Server Name:[/b]
[b]Suggestion Title:[/b]
[b]How would it benefit the server:[/b]
[b]Potential Issues/Exploits:[/b]
[b]Additional notes:[/b]
If you've lost items due to a server issue or server bug then you can do so as well, Just use the template below!
Refund Template:Thread Title: [Refund Request] <NAME> <SERVER>
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Time / Date of when it happened:[/b]
[b]Item/s lost:[/b]
[b]Proof *VIDEO/PICTURES*:[/b]
If you're about to post a refund request then here is some good points that you could view made by
When should I make a refund request?
When the server as crashed and for some odd reason you can't use /restore.
When a game breaking bug as broken something and you have lost an item.
Some other crazy reason that is possibly out of your hands.
When you have valid proof.
When should I NOT make a refund request?
When some one breaks a rule and you lose something. ( We don't refund for rule breakers )
When you have disconnected and your printers have despawned with money in them.
When you have NO PROOF of having the things you lost and of it happening.
If you think you have lost an item check your bank, shop and inventory. *Things don't just go missing*
If you have the starting amount 5000 make sure you're logged in to the correct steam account.
Make sure to have valid proof of the items you're wanting to get refunded IE: Printers should have your name on them.
Make sure to try and use " /restore all " in chat when you have rejoined *Remember to do it in a safe place because your printers will spawn in front of you*.
Thread Title: [Refund Request] <NAME> <SERVER>
If you'd like to check out this section or would like to post in that section then go