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TOPIC: Munich shooting

Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360432

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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360435

Another shooting?.. Wow, this is unbelievable. I hope everything turns out okay and respect to the people who lost their love ones.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360442

Recent attacks in Europe are getting out of hand, is there any news if its an act of terror or just a random maniac?
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360445

Woah another shooting? This is just so unbelievable. I just hate those people who think its right to kill.
Like Clarky i hope everything turns out okay.
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GG Onion!
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360450

Condolences go out to everyone that has been affected, it's a shame this is what some people in the world are like.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360453

BigQuattro wrote:
Recent attacks in Europe are getting out of hand, is there any news if its an act of terror or just a random maniac?

I'd like to believe that it's a random maniac and not some sort of group, BUT there's been more than 1 report of an "evacuation" i guess, there's been 1 in a super market, which also has numerous of videos on the web (which i find disgusting to be honest) and there's 1 report in the centre of munich. As of what I heard, this shit is still happening as we speak.
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360458

TheAp4ch3 wrote:
BigQuattro wrote:
Recent attacks in Europe are getting out of hand, is there any news if its an act of terror or just a random maniac?

I'd like to believe that it's a random maniac and not some sort of group, BUT there's been more than 1 report of an "evacuation" i guess, there's been 1 in a super market, which also has numerous of videos on the web (which i find disgusting to be honest) and there's 1 report in the centre of munich. As of what I heard, this shit is still happening as we speak.

As bad as it already is i hope its just a random maniac myself but i guess that since the imigrant crisis and ISIS targeting Europe its not looking too good.

Best wishes to all who are in the middle of this attack as we speak.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360474

Watch ISIS Claim responsibility for this attack
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360487

A Friend is currently in Munich i hope he is ok... :((
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360622

Unfortunately, the degenerates won't stop - ever.

You know you live in sad times when we have to be scared of freedom, the very concept our countries have fought for.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360655

Its never going to end unless ISIS is stopped, but its not that simple ISIS are too external and are hiding in fucking shadows and cracks being pussy's because they know they cant hack a full blown war. They are useless in combat compared to our combined nations. When the day comes where they fight in the open they will be desomated.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360659

My unpopular opinion:

This is very horrendous. But we must stay strong and don't think of this as a tragedy. Shootings happen all over the world. People in Syria die by the hundreds every day. In fact, a couple of days ago, a US air strike left 86 Syrians dead, because they were presumed to be ISIL targets.

Shootings are atrocious. However, they happen very commonly, unfortunately. Shootings in Europe happen much less frequently than in other parts of the world. We just get so much media attention it, because we are scared of it being closer to home.

Racist and nationalist media, always jump on whatever shooting happens, where the shooter isn't of the country's ethnicity. They make this big deal over how atrocious and scary it is, and how their people are bad and how most of them are terrorists. Believe me, do not trust these people. They always make the shootings so much more scary than they really are. I know a shooting is a scary and bad thing, but these guys make it seem like the end of the world.

Just stay strong, do not fear shootings, and move on towards a greater world and society.

EDIT: Why are people commenting about ISIS? The guy hasn't had any affiliation with ISIS anyways, look at the news.
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by ScorpionOnAcid.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360660

I feel for the families of the gone ones and i really hope the shooter hasn't got any contact to the ISIS. But ISIS is gonna claim him as one of them anyway.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360686

ScorpionOnAcid wrote:
My unpopular opinion:

This is very horrendous. But we must stay strong and don't think of this as a tragedy. Shootings happen all over the world. People in Syria die by the hundreds every day. In fact, a couple of days ago, a US air strike left 86 Syrians dead, because they were presumed to be ISIL targets.

Shootings are atrocious. However, they happen very commonly, unfortunately. Shootings in Europe happen much less frequently than in other parts of the world. We just get so much media attention it, because we are scared of it being closer to home.

Racist and nationalist media, always jump on whatever shooting happens, where the shooter isn't of the country's ethnicity. They make this big deal over how atrocious and scary it is, and how their people are bad and how most of them are terrorists. Believe me, do not trust these people. They always make the shootings so much more scary than they really are. I know a shooting is a scary and bad thing, but these guys make it seem like the end of the world.

Just stay strong, do not fear shootings, and move on towards a greater world and society.

EDIT: Why are people commenting about ISIS? The guy hasn't had any affiliation with ISIS anyways, look at the news.

It doesn't matter, it's still RADICAL ISLAM. Do you see many Christians or Jewish people doing this? Constantly in 2016 so many attacks have happened in Europe due to people sympathizing with Isis and radical Islamic views. Along with Isis/other terrorists, but mostly isis, have been making their way in with all the refugees coming into Europe.

Look at this and tell me this isn't atrocity: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks Another 368 people were injured/80–99 seriously/The attackers killed 130 people Nearly FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS, hurt or KILLED because of Isis, who believe they are doing the right thing, all this in the name of their god, ALLAH.

Another prime example that people have already seem to forgotten about, and so soon too when it just happened. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nice_attack
84 people were killed and 303 injured, Another attack by a RADICAL ISLAMIC person. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Lahouaiej-Bouhlel

You want to imply, at least from what I read, that you're implying that other shootings happen in other parts of the world. Lets just use the good ol' U S of A. On July 7th, just three days after Independence day, a man killed five officers cause he supported the ideas of BLM. And as well all know, they really care about people's lives. They march and chant for "dead pigs!" AKA Dead cops, people who give their lives to protect good honest people in America, whether the people they protect is from America or not. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers

And you imply in a way that these attacks are JUST as bad as several gunmen heading and shooting up people in Paris over a drawing of their great prophet Muhammad. And another attack with a cargo truck filled with weapons and explosives. What's that you say? That's illegal? Gun control? Well DUH, but you think a terrorist gives two shakes of Kim Kardashian's ass about the LAW? These Radical Islamic's are sick in the head and just want death to all who do not follow their beliefs, and it will only get worse if we don't stand and fight and try to stop and fight these attacks.

Stop acting like this is some racial thing or right wing media going ape and jumping on the news to spread their ideas, and even some say we told you so. This is constantly happening in the world, you wake up nearly everyday these past FEW MONTHS, and hear about another shooting or mass rape in a European country done by refugees and or terrorists groups.

This needs to stop and it's disgusting we live in a world were these attacks happening almost every single day.

Another last thing, you ask why people are commenting Isis? It's because they LOVE when this happens to good people who didn't do anything to deserve their life being taken in such a brutal manner.
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Zackz11.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360687

It is disgusting how people can do this to innocent people who have their own family and people that care about them. My prays go out to the victims of these attacks
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360688

Закz11 wrote:
ScorpionOnAcid wrote:
My unpopular opinion:

This is very horrendous. But we must stay strong and don't think of this as a tragedy. Shootings happen all over the world. People in Syria die by the hundreds every day. In fact, a couple of days ago, a US air strike left 86 Syrians dead, because they were presumed to be ISIL targets.

Shootings are atrocious. However, they happen very commonly, unfortunately. Shootings in Europe happen much less frequently than in other parts of the world. We just get so much media attention it, because we are scared of it being closer to home.

Racist and nationalist media, always jump on whatever shooting happens, where the shooter isn't of the country's ethnicity. They make this big deal over how atrocious and scary it is, and how their people are bad and how most of them are terrorists. Believe me, do not trust these people. They always make the shootings so much more scary than they really are. I know a shooting is a scary and bad thing, but these guys make it seem like the end of the world.

Just stay strong, do not fear shootings, and move on towards a greater world and society.

EDIT: Why are people commenting about ISIS? The guy hasn't had any affiliation with ISIS anyways, look at the news.

It doesn't matter, it's still RADICAL ISLAM. Do you see many Christians or Jewish people doing this? Constantly in 2016 so many attacks have happened in Europe due to people sympathizing with Isis and radical Islamic views. Along with Isis/other terrorists, but mostly isis, have been making their way in with all the refugees coming into Europe.

Look at this and tell me this isn't atrocity: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks Another 368 people were injured/80–99 seriously/The attackers killed 130 people Nearly FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS, hurt or KILLED because of Isis, who believe they are doing the right thing, all this in the name of their god, ALLAH.

Another prime example that people have already seem to forgotten about, and so soon too when it just happened. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nice_attack
84 people were killed and 303 injured, Another attack by a RADICAL ISLAMIC person. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Lahouaiej-Bouhlel

You want to imply, at least from what I read, that you're implying that other shootings happen in other parts of the world. Lets just use the good ol' U S of A. On July 7th, just three days after Independence day, a man killed five officers cause he supported the ideas of BLM. And as well all know, they really care about people's lives. They march and chant for "dead pigs!" AKA Dead cops, people who give their lives to protect good honest people in America, whether the people they protect is from America or not. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers

And you imply in a way that these attacks are JUST as bad as several gunmen heading and shooting up people in Paris over a drawing of their great prophet Muhammad. And another attack with a cargo truck filled with weapons and explosives. What's that you say? That's illegal? Gun control? Well DUH, but you think a terrorist gives two shakes of Kim Kardashian's ass about the LAW? These Radical Islamic's are sick in the head and just want death to all who do not follow their beliefs, and it will only get worse if we don't stand and fight and try to stop and fight these attacks.

Stop acting like this is some racial thing or right wing media going ape and jumping on the news to spread their ideas, and even some say we told you so. This is constantly happening in the world, you wake up nearly everyday these past FEW MONTHS, and hear about another shooting or mass rape in a European country done by refugees and or terrorists groups.

This needs to stop and it's disgusting we live in a world were these attacks happening almost every single day.

Another last thing, you ask why people are commenting Isis? It's because they LOVE when this happens to good people who didn't do anything to deserve their life being taken in such a brutal manner.

2 Things:

1: This is probably one of the most idiotic posts I have ever seen on this forum after 2 years of being on it

2: I would disprove your "facts", but out of respect, I won't argue over a thread that is centered around the shootings.
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

Former DarkRP / TTT Moderator.
Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by ScorpionOnAcid.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360689

ScorpionOnAcid wrote:
Закz11 wrote:
ScorpionOnAcid wrote:
My unpopular opinion:

This is very horrendous. But we must stay strong and don't think of this as a tragedy. Shootings happen all over the world. People in Syria die by the hundreds every day. In fact, a couple of days ago, a US air strike left 86 Syrians dead, because they were presumed to be ISIL targets.

Shootings are atrocious. However, they happen very commonly, unfortunately. Shootings in Europe happen much less frequently than in other parts of the world. We just get so much media attention it, because we are scared of it being closer to home.

Racist and nationalist media, always jump on whatever shooting happens, where the shooter isn't of the country's ethnicity. They make this big deal over how atrocious and scary it is, and how their people are bad and how most of them are terrorists. Believe me, do not trust these people. They always make the shootings so much more scary than they really are. I know a shooting is a scary and bad thing, but these guys make it seem like the end of the world.

Just stay strong, do not fear shootings, and move on towards a greater world and society.

EDIT: Why are people commenting about ISIS? The guy hasn't had any affiliation with ISIS anyways, look at the news.

It doesn't matter, it's still RADICAL ISLAM. Do you see many Christians or Jewish people doing this? Constantly in 2016 so many attacks have happened in Europe due to people sympathizing with Isis and radical Islamic views. Along with Isis/other terrorists, but mostly isis, have been making their way in with all the refugees coming into Europe.

Look at this and tell me this isn't atrocity: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks Another 368 people were injured/80–99 seriously/The attackers killed 130 people Nearly FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS, hurt or KILLED because of Isis, who believe they are doing the right thing, all this in the name of their god, ALLAH.

Another prime example that people have already seem to forgotten about, and so soon too when it just happened. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nice_attack
84 people were killed and 303 injured, Another attack by a RADICAL ISLAMIC person. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Lahouaiej-Bouhlel

You want to imply, at least from what I read, that you're implying that other shootings happen in other parts of the world. Lets just use the good ol' U S of A. On July 7th, just three days after Independence day, a man killed five officers cause he supported the ideas of BLM. And as well all know, they really care about people's lives. They march and chant for "dead pigs!" AKA Dead cops, people who give their lives to protect good honest people in America, whether the people they protect is from America or not. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers

And you imply in a way that these attacks are JUST as bad as several gunmen heading and shooting up people in Paris over a drawing of their great prophet Muhammad. And another attack with a cargo truck filled with weapons and explosives. What's that you say? That's illegal? Gun control? Well DUH, but you think a terrorist gives two shakes of Kim Kardashian's ass about the LAW? These Radical Islamic's are sick in the head and just want death to all who do not follow their beliefs, and it will only get worse if we don't stand and fight and try to stop and fight these attacks.

Stop acting like this is some racial thing or right wing media going ape and jumping on the news to spread their ideas, and even some say we told you so. This is constantly happening in the world, you wake up nearly everyday these past FEW MONTHS, and hear about another shooting or mass rape in a European country done by refugees and or terrorists groups.

This needs to stop and it's disgusting we live in a world were these attacks happening almost every single day.

Another last thing, you ask why people are commenting Isis? It's because they LOVE when this happens to good people who didn't do anything to deserve their life being taken in such a brutal manner.

2 Things:

1: This is probably one of the most idiotic posts I have ever seen on this forum after 2 years of being on it

2: I would disprove your "facts", but out of respect, I won't argue over a thread that is centered around the shootings.

You can't even argue against me, so just stop. You simply can not disprove anything I've said in my post so you just go "lol ur post dumb." Grow up, and come at me with a retort. If you think your own opinion is unpopular, then why bother saying something that will clearly upset people and is clearly idiotic in it's self, you're being hypocritical.
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Zackz11.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360692

I won't argue with you not because I have no decent argument, it's because it would be pointless to argue with a moron like you that insists only his opinion is right. I will leave this thread now to avoid sparking any further arguments on a thread literally made to morn the victims of the Munich shooting, and I'm not starting arguments, you pillock.
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

Former DarkRP / TTT Moderator.
Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by ScorpionOnAcid.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360694

ScorpionOnAcid wrote:
I won't argue with you not because I have no decent argument, it's because it would be pointless to argue with a moron like you that insists only his opinion is right. I will leave this thread now to spark any further arguments on a thread literally made to morn the victims of the Munich shooting, not start arguments, you pillock.

lol. You just said what you said in your last post but with more words, and you are are being a hypocrite yet again. You say i insist on my own opinion yet that is exactly what you are doing in this post.

You can sit here and have a civilized argument with me, but you choose to just attempt to insult me and my intelligence when all I've done to you is point out some things about your original post. You tried saying it's not Radical Islam/Isis, when this guy clearly follows their ideas and beliefs by killing innocent infidels in the name of their god and once again, ideas.

I'm not even being rude or insulting in my posts, just trying to tell you that there is a problem in the world, and it doesn't have much of anything to do with what you said in your OG post.
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Zackz11.
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Munich shooting 8 years 7 months ago #360722

Personally don't see the point in this thread but that's just me..
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