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In my opinion this is just the new generation of people who need there life to have a purpose it has gotten to the stage where people in there 20s and below are tired with life (cause of the whole recession i would think is a main reason) they see there life meaning nothing so they get influenced by these extremists and go out on lone attacks like the thing on the train with the axe he was only in his teens another thing is people just thinking these isis cats and shit are just a load of crackpots is (in my opinion) and very bad way at looking at it because when Europe was in control of all them African and middle eastern countries nobody was complaining now that them countries are attacking back at Europe its all very uncivilized
Being from Ireland a country with a very big number of extremists its (in a weird way) easy in a way for me to look at both sides these people want to take control of countries or so the news said anyway but going back 100 years it was England France and Germany that were doing that and as soon as people start attacking them they don't like it very much these people have a goal it doesn't matter if its a good one or a bad one you shouldn't just pass them off as uncivilized stupid people because that was the Europeans not to long ago |
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