Gamemode Information
Players roleplay living in a City oppressed by the Universal Union (UU) sometime after they took over Earth in 7 hours. You have a choice to play in several factions including, Citizen,
Civil Worker's Union,
Metropolice Force (also known as Combine, MPF, CPs, etc.),
Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA), and
Vortigaunts. Voice chat is disabled and all communication is through text chat.
Citizens in the city have free reign to either try and join the rebellion against the Union, or become a loyalist and try and stay on their good side. Citizens are malnourished, and living in destitute conditions within the city. Citizens are searching for money, food, water and a safe place to sleep at night. Although your character in-game might not necessarily need these things, you still have to consider them in your roleplay. There are endless paths you can take your character with the right roleplay, making citizens one of the most diverse factions you can play.
Civil Worker's Union
The Civil Worker's Union consists of citizens who have decided to work for the Union. This faction is responsible for managing the shops, restaurants, bars, etc. around the city and can sell UU approved items to citizens. They can also provide medical care to the citizens of the city, if properly authorized to do so.
Metropolice Force
The Metropolice are the enforcers of the Union's will. There are multiple divisions within the MPF, and several ranks that players can acquire over long periods of time with good roleplay. The ranks can be found below, and
the weapons, equipment, description of responsibilities and other things "assigned" to each rank are subject to change if the server is launched.
RCT - Recruits are kept inside the Nexus until they are properly trained and assigned a division.
05 - The first rank, the 05 is issued a stun stick and is given permission to patrol the streets without the authority of superiors.
04 - An 04 is also issued a sidearm and is given permission to patrol the streets without the authority of superiors.
03 - The 03 has been promoted due to evidence of leadership qualities, and now holds authority similar to a Corporal in a real-world military.
02 - The equivalent of a Sergeant in the real-world military, the 02 has been chosen due to exceptional leadership qualities and an evident lack of empathy for the citizen populace. As such, they are tasked with securing and patrolling the city while supervising the lower ranks. In addition, they are permitted to use an MP7 in the line of duty.
01- The highest rank of Enlisted in the MPF, they are tasked with running the peacekeeping of the city streets on a typical, orderly day. They are therefore the highest rank usually seen in public unless a crisis of some sort is occurring.
Officer (OfC)- The highest rank most Civil Protection officers can ever hope to achieve, they are the lowest rank capable of ordering house-to-house raids or any actions that can possibly result in dangerous or life-threatening situtations
Divisional Leader (DvL)- The commander of a Division within the MPF, they are extremely specialized in the area in which they control and are particularly well-suited to the task of leadership.
Commander (CmD)- The commander of all civil protection units when a Sectorial Commander is not on-duty. He is the SeC's right hand man.
Sectorial Commander (SeC)- The single most powerful individual in the city, he is the leader of and head of all MPF officers in their sector (city). They alone have the ability to call in strikes of Headcrab Canisters or order the deployment of the OTA. Due to their high value to the city's order, they usually never leave the Nexus for fear of being targeted.
Overwatch Transhuman Arm
The OTA are the most formidable soldiers in the City. If they are after you, it means certain death. They are equipped with higher grade kevlar, more advanced weaponry (AR2s, etc.), and have better combat training than any other MPF unit.
Most Vortigaunts in the city are enslaved to the Union, and do janitorial and other work nobody else wants to. Their chains block them from accessing Vortessence, and can explode if they leave their designated areas. Free Vortigaunts are rare but have access to Vortessence and despise the Union.
This is a very basic outline of what the gamemode would look like. Let me know what you think of the gamemode, and if you think Zarp should have it's very own server.