Keep your head up!
I used to be bullied for a long time and i put up with it teachers didnt do anyting i suffered true it until 1 day i punched back and i punched hard (who would guess someone half the size of his attacker could scare him off huh?)
Bullying stoped then had the rest of my primary school with no issues.
Then came high school and ther was a bit of bulliying nothing too bad most of them droped out because of there grades beeing shit looking at them today they still dont have school done.
years go by and you get stronger when they get weeker

just remember that one day you will see them walking down the street all fucked up when you will drive by them in a nice car and a loyal gf/bf (idk what your in to) and you will know there is justice on this planet you will know.
My suggestion find ppl that care they will not just appear as they will usually stay in the shadows.