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OnionRings' Application Community Manager 2021 Steam Name: OnionRings I am From: Ireland Age: 18 Time spent with ZARP Gaming?: 6 1/2 years Positions I've held: Forum Administrator Surf Server Owner Bhop Server Owner SSRP Head Admin Deathrun Head Admin Jailbreak Head Admin Prop Hunt Head Admin TS/Discord Head Admin Murder Moderator Community Council When did I join Zarp? I first joined Zarp in 2014 on June 1st. The first server I played was SSRP Server 1 with my friends and many users at the time. The server was such great fun I decided to stick around for a while. I then ended up playing Server 2 and also enjoyed that I got into many gangs back then making many friends and just generally enjoying the server as a whole. Later I then started to explore the other Zarp Servers which were the pointshop servers. Over time I started to enjoy them more often by becoming staff on a few of them, those servers being Murder, Prophunt, Bhop, Surf and Deathrun. Later on in 2016 I decided to apply for my first moderator position which was for the ssrp server, in early march 2016. After this I stuck around for 3 and a half + years as staff gaining higher positions over time across all of the zarp servers. Why should I be chosen for CM 2021? I believe I should be chosen as a candidate from the Community Team due to my knowledge, experience and dedication to ZARP. I have currently been a member of ZARP for 6 1/2 years now. Within my time here I have gained so much experience by the amount of roles I've held in the community. Overall I was I've been a staff member here for nearly 5 years. These 5 years are split as I resigned over a year ago now. Before I resigned I was a staff member for around 3 years & 7 months, currently I have been staff around 9 months and I have since gained back all my pervious positions. I previously had to resign due to school but yeah COVID-19 happened so it brought me back when schools shut down. Now since I am no longer in school I have more time to be a staff member here or even a Community Manager. Dedication & Experience Over my many years here in ZARP, I've shown massive amounts of dedication towards all my lead team roles by the amount of time that I've been around as both a staff member and server owner on 2 servers which are both BHOP & Surf. I originally got Server Owner back in 2017 on Surf along with Anon. In 2018 I then got promoted to BHOP Server Owner to where I held those positions until late 2019. I then came back around 9 months ago and gained back both my server owner positions. Since gaining these positions I've tried my best to work for those servers without having the ability to code for them. I've tried my best by adding maps and doing weekly server events/giveaways. I've also worked close with the current CM Team to get bugs or new features added to both Surf and Bhop. I believe that'd I'd be an excellent candidate for Community Team 2021 with my dedication and experiences within ZARP as a whole. Trust I see trust as one of the biggest factors of becoming a Community Manager here in Zarp. This is due to the amount of power you gain across the community and the certain access you get such as server files of all point shop servers, etc. I believe I am a very trustworthy person due to holding many higher up ranks and having access to server files. Also gaining back my high ranking positions in a short amount of time shows that I can be trusted with power and it no way abusive. I've also recently been allowed to test the SSRP updates which have shown the CM Team that I can be a trustworthy candidate for Community Team 2021. Skills I believe I hold a good amount of skills needed to be a Community Manager. Most of you know I don't have the ability to code updates however that doesn't stop me for other skills I believe I have. I believe one of my best skills is communication, I tend to try my best with talking with staff and users across the community by helping out players and staff when in need or have concerns/issues with punishments etc. I've tried my best to communicate to users of their punishments without trying to have a mass amount of drama. I also have tried my extreme best to reply to anyone who messages me about issues with staff or community issues. I believe another skill I have is creativity. I can come up with decent ideas or plans of small things and extend them to as much as which can be seen below in the events system. I've also been working on more ideas to bring forward to chute for the future SSRP updates. Another skill which I believe I have shown is a skill to understand players with their issues and their side of the story when it comes to ban appeals, staff issues etc. I also see fairness as another skill I have. I do tend to try my best in situations to be as fair as I can, however, it does come to times where punishments would have to be a lot more stricter due to users being blatantly abusive. Personality I see myself as being a very friendly individual and staff member within the ZARP Community. I do try my best to keep it up as much as I can, helping anyone who comes across me with in-game or even personal life issues. I would also see myself as a very caring person for others and the Community in general. I would also like to improve my very friendly trait across the community to other servers such as TTT, to where I do lack in communication between users and staff on there. Being a Community Manager will help this improve over time due to being staff on the TTT server. What have I done recently? So far since I've come back I've been actively interacting with the Community Team, Staff Members and users across the community to the best of my ability. I've been coming up with ideas and plans we could focus on across the community. I've mainly focused at the SSRP Servers by coming up with the idea of custom area events to where players would have the ability to create their own events with prizes and they could select which event they'd like to do. There is a lot more to come with the custom event system in future updates which will add a lot more customization for players for their events and players could make unique events which haven't been seen before on the servers. A document I made about it can be found here! There will obviously will be many changes with this initial idea of the whole event system and things have changed since that document and there will be many changes are more additions. As mentioned in some above text, I've also been doing weekly Surf and Bhop events to where I've given away a lot of prizes, done double exp and diamonds and managed to add quite a number of maps to each server, which brings enjoyment to users playing seeing at least one new weekly map to where they can compete against other players for prizes. I wish I could've done more ideas however, the ideas I had would of needed to be coded which I don't have the coding experience/ability to do so and the current developers have been busy focusing on higher priorities. A couple of months ago, I decided to do a survey with about 18 questions which I sent out to quite a majority of people, I personally send around 75 people the link however many people didn't do it. I managed to get 50+ response to where I went through each and every one with the CM Team. This survey managed to show us users complaints about the community as a whole. As of a previous Community Team outcome where they also went through the survey it was clear that players wanted more transparency with the updates for all servers across the servers. In which the current CM Team decided in 2021 they will have a brand new section called a Road Map, to where they will show consistent ideas/plans and future updates for both SSRP & Pointshop servers. For a couple of months now I've been involved with testing to new SSRP/Pointshop updates, this does take lots of time to go through all the new features and content to make sure it is done correctly and as much bugs as we can find get fixed before the content update is released to the public. This has shown me over months of doing it how to properly test updates and how the management of them work of getting it done and released on time for the due date. I've personally learned a lot from this and believe it will help me going into the Community Team for the future of Zarp Updates. Recently along with Chute I've been handling the refund requests with him and trying to get them done as soon as possible by trying to do a lot quicker response time and help getting players refunded for server-sided issues etc. The past few weeks we haven't got a chance to sit down and get them done due to Christmas and update testing. However, I do really want to bring change to this. As a Community Manager I will be able to do most refund requests by myself and will be able to get them done a lot quicker for future needs. I also plan to write up a small idea to where HA+ could have the possibility of spawning in the items that are needed for refund requests. This will be logged to discord channels, to be able to monitor our staff members and make sure that they are not abusing it in anyway possible. I do believe this will help with the quickness of refunds getting done and help to get players their refunds if TCAdmin is offline. Also, I would like to add refund requests fully to the Community Team meetings therefore they are handled each week we will hold a meeting and replied to! My Plans/Ideas for 2021 Future/Current ZARP Servers Recently it has come to my knowledge that players see the lack of transparency from the community team to the users who play our servers. As apart of the community team 2021 I do wish to push a change towards transparency within ZARP. These transparency issues are mainly seen about future server updates. In 2021 there is a planned roadmap which will show update plans throughout the year. I want to make sure this roadmap idea goes through and is planned out in the best way possible to suit both owners and users that play. I want to make sure that the community team shares plans for the year ahead, big features coming etc. Obviously there will be some things kept a secret for a surprise to the players which will increase enjoyment when they play the update. Another plan I want to really push for 2021 is the release of the Minecraft server. The server was originally meant to come out in earlier 2020 which it didn't go ahead due to the main community manager working on the server resigned half half through the project. From reading my most recent survey, it is clear a good few players would like to see a Minecraft server come to Zarp once again. The only issue which lies here is that I personally don't know much about java in which Minecraft is coded in. However, I will be looking for a Minecraft Server Owner, someone who is experience in java and has full time to code for the server for it to be released, if I am unsuccessful in finding one I will try to find a position on the roadmap to add it in for it to be done in late 2021 when most of the big plans are out of the way. On the discussion of new servers another server I will try to push out and get finished is Murder. Murder was meant to be released many months back under another persons ownership and it ended up not working out the best for the said person with their current life situation and later had to resign. I believe if a new Murder Server Owner is not found that it can be a Community Team project to get it released. I will also want this prioritized over the Minecraft Server due to it being a Garry's Mod gamemode and that's what the Zarp Community is based on. For the Murder Server I believe I will be able to work on the management side of things with getting everything together with ideas, the staff team and the forum sections ready to go. Also setting out a plan/idea list of what the server could have such as the Homicide gamemode instead of using base Murder. As for BHOP and Surf servers, I will still try my best to manage both servers to the best of my ability while being a Community Manager, I will also would like to get a new owner for these servers, someone who can dedicate more time to them servers alone while I could help out now and again and more directly focus on the community as a whole. Another plan of mine is putting help towards getting a new SSRP Map Developer. This will be a hard one whether its someone inside or outside of ZARP we would need to put our trust into them and make sure they can meet the requirements that'd would be expected from the CM Team to allow us to push out newer and better content updates with many new map features. As good as EMP is we cannot get a hold of him most of the time and get the maps done on time due to him working most of the time. The new mapper must be someone with the time and willing to put in the effort for the SSRP Servers. Another Server, which would be a good idea to implement is a Sandbox server! Sandbox is quite a popular gamemode with many things to do and to have a bit of fun! A Sandbox server would be great for ZARP in my opinion and will bring new players into the Community from players who enjoy to play the gamemode. With these possible new servers, I would mainly be focusing on the management side of things. This would include setting up the forum sections/posts, getting together an initial staff team, possible server owners, what location would be best for the server UK or USA host, managing the staff team, running the meetings also making sure the server is getting frequent updates and bug fixes over time. As for TTT, it currently does not have a Server Owner which is very needed due to TTT being the most popular pointshop server, it needs someone who can do management of the server to make sure everything is running smoothly. Since Nays resignation from TTT Server Owner, I will as a Community Manager be looking for a replacement for him over the couple of weeks/months coming. For the SSRP side of things I will continue coming up with newer content ideas for the server which will include new features, many map updates etc. I will also continue helping the Community Team with testing the updates that are getting released. I also want to come up with ways players can obtain booster packs in-game or even more ways to obtain new cases when updates get released. This will help newer players be able to obtain some new and old items without having to pay for it straight up and if they wanted to obtain more buying booster packs is always an option. A idea I had was to maybe introduce some sort of battle pass tier system like there is on games such as COD MW which players obtain guns etc. This will allow new players obtain different kinds of SSRP items and or cash and cool cosmetic items. I've decided to go ahead and also gather up some user-suggested servers from the forums. I've done this because I would want to bring these up within a Community Team Meeting and get them replied to with our feedback and what we would look be looking for, by stating if we'd have the time to set up these x servers, if not will there be a candidate we could give server owner to work on the server and would they be beneficial for the ZARP Community. Police RP Server Flood Server Zombie Survival Server Surf & Bhop USA Servers Minigame Server GTA 5 RP Server (These are the only server-suggestions I've found in the past 6 months) Community-wide Events A Community wide event I would like to hold would be another Loading Screen competition for both the SSRP and Pointshop servers. This kind of event gets players to be quite creative with their artwork and will end up putting time and effort into helping the servers. Doing this would make a overhaul of the loading screens and make them more interesting and creative than the current loading screens. Prizes could also be given out to the person with the best loading screens. 1st-3rd place, with booster packs or in-game rewards for their time and effort put into them. On the discussion of Community wide events something I will try to get more of this year are charity events. These events are great and players come together and do their daily objectives to help raise money towards the donation goal that we set. ZARP doing more charity events will show how great the community is and show that we can come together and help give back to people that are in need of money more that us more fortunate people. I will truly help with this by gathering names of other charities that we could possibly donate to in 2021 and the many years to come. Future Skills As a Community Manager within ZARP, I would look forward to obtaining new skills over the time period that I stay as a Community Manager. A skill I would like to take on and to be able to take over is the Steam Workshop Content. The Steam workshop is currently very messy and held by multiple people across the Community, that being previous Community Team Members. As a CM for 2021, I would like to changing this up and having all the workshop under one persons account, to save time and hassle with content issues for future needs. Community Policies A policy I'd like to give updates to and change it for 2021 is the Lead Team Applications Policy. A major change I want to make is making the Lead Team applications voted on once a month, that either being the start or end of every month. What will this change? This change will make it so people applying for lead team don't abuse the fact that when they are denied week after week they can't reapply straight away over and over each week to get forced onto the Lead Team when they may not be fully qualified yet. Another change I'd also like to make is changes to the actual Applying for LT section within the policy, due to it being very quick and easy to get lead team with the current way its done. Just to note these a basic samples and may vary when the policies are introduced. (Updated) Voting and Application Review Procedure Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ]
(Updated) Applying for Lead Team Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ]
Another policy I want to change/update is the 'Revoking Resignations' policy. At first I would want to change the either policy layout and rename it to the "Resignations Policy". Change up this policy will make it easier for us to add my suggested updates to it and what I would want to add instead of entirely making a new policy. (NEW) Resignations Policy Resignation Notices Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] If you are planning on resigning from a Server Owner or above position you must do the following:
Revoking a Resignation Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] A staff member may revoke an official resignation and have their powers restored to the same level as they previously had, they should inform a staff member with the correct privileges to restore their rank and make a post on their resignation thread stating that they have now revoked. They can revoke their resignation up to one week after the resignation thread has been posted. You cannot revoke a resignation again one month from the last time you've revoked a resignation. If I was a Community Manager I will also have a slight change to the ban/punishment appeal policy. I would want to make it so players that are appealing a punishment for hacking/cheating can only be dealt with by lead team members. Doing this will just make sense due to lead team members+ being the only people to be able to punish hackers in the first place. (Updated) Ban Appeal Guide Policy Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] Punishment Appeal Policy Here at ZARP we want all appeals to be handled in a fair and honest way to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance. We hope that all administrators follow the policies bellow a to make sure that this is the case. -You must be an administrator or above to handle punishment appeals. -You may not accept or deny appeals that are appealing punishments you have given. -Users may name people that they do not wish to handle the appeal. If the appealing user states that they do not wish certain staff members to handle the appeal those staff members should refrain from dealing with the appeal. -You should attempt to speak to the staff member that placed the punishment prior to making your decision on the appeal. -After 24 hours, you may do so on your own. -Appeals for punishments given to staff such as official warnings or demotions do not get handled by a single staff member but are rather voted on in the lead team meeting. -Only Lead team members are allowed to handle punishment and or ban appeals of players who've been punished for hacking/cheating. Just like user-suggested servers, I have also decided to take some time to gather up some policy/community wide changes and add it into my application, this is for if I was to become a Community Manager it could be discussed within the future CM Team meetings and be replied to in the future. Community Meeting Provide/Improve App. Denial Reasons Solidify/new CM Election Policies Change Demotion Policies (These are the only policy/community suggestions I've found in the past 6 months) The Rest of 2021 I promise that there will be many many more ideas, features, polices done by me within the rest of 2021, I do hope for the best on becoming a Community Manager in 2021 and I will try my best to prove some of you guys wrong and try to make the community the best of what I can with my powers as a Community Manager! Show your Support This year, I will be running for CM 2021 alongside Martin. I am running with Martin because we work great together as a team and have known each other for a couple of years now within the staff team. Martin is all around a great person. I highly suggest you check out his application. If you would like to show your support for my and Martins campaign together, you could either use the below banner in your forum signature or even have your name in-game with #Martin&Onion4CM. Both Myself and Martin will appreciate all the support we will get during out campaign together. Thank you for reading my application! I'd also like to wish all the other candidates who are running together or separately best of luck! [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6x9i9Lf.png[/img][/center] |
Last Edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by OnionRings.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Lefty.
Congrats on Admin!
#MorgzisBae |
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I see you guys are having a party there! Congratulations on Administrator!
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings
Well its great to see you enjoying your training but congratulations on admin
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings
I hope you guys did those 7 f1's after the training....
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings
Big gun as citizen please ban ty m8
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings
Nice to see you guys seeing the funny side of being a staff member, but there is also f1's to do.Congratulations on administrator!
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings