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TOPIC: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179107

MrBuzzKill wrote:
Factoring in to what?
but is factoring into your opinion
I know. Reading is hard.
My original comment is that hype is not a good thing for consumers.
You presented your opinion as a fact. That doesn't make your original reply factual.
I doubt that, since sometimes hype can definitely pay off for both ends.
If you want to be hyped or not in general hype is a tool used by marketing companies to push games. Aka trying to sell it to consumers.
Well yes, that really is the definition of hype, isn't it? However, this hype you are mentioning now is completely different from what you've mentioned earlier. Hype is: (and I quote from the dictionary) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion, so how is this factually never good for the consumer? It seems like you're talking about a different kind of hype all of a sudden. Kind of contradicting yourself here, mate.
They're not letting you see a sneak peak because they care about you as a customer, they're doing it to let you get hyped for their product.
They care about you as a number. I assume Hideo Kojima doesn't know every Metal Gear Solid fan out there. If they show less of these sneak peeks it would mean less numbers. So technically, yes, they do care about ''you'' to an extent. And again, hype is not factually always a bad thing.
A lot of them abuse this to trick customers.
Which still doesn't make it factually a bad thing. Sure. It gets abused some times. People abuse many things at times, but that doesn't always have to make the entire thing bad.
No it doesn't "ALWAYS" disappoint you but you gain nothing by being hyped and have the chance of losing more.
Well now you're just contradicting yourself again. You said previously being hyped is factually a bad thing. And now it's not always a bad thing? Choose a side. Honestly, while money-wise you might not gain a lot by being hyped, it can give you a lot of satisfaction for a long time to finally play the game you have been so hyped for. Happiness and satisfaction. Is that not a gain?
The point where you're arguing about the definition of words is the point where you have nothing meaningful to bring to the argument and you have lost.
That's funny because I have quoted a definition of a word before, and it ended up being not in your favour. That makes me lose obviously, I don't know how you argue. The winning side loses, heh.
And to top all of this off i love how you flat out admit you don't know anything MG games yet you're arguing with two (Who actually does) like you have the facts... You clearly don't.
I clearly admit I know ''nothing'' about the previous Metal Gear Solid games. I however am informed enough to debate on the game and business practices at to hype. I do know as much about as you do. You can't possibly know more about MGSV than I do unless you are some employee at Konami. Since when do I need to have played every game in one franchise to argue about the one I do know of? Yes, that's stupid.

''You can't argue about these toilet papers if you haven't tried the others!'' I can see that come out of your mouth currently. I am sure you haven't played every Metal Gear Solid game anyway. Oh, and I love how you tell me that I am arguing with two people that know a lot about Metal Gear Solid when, clearly, you stated that you do not and never will like the Metal Gear games, which would mean you haven't played or even tried that much if any of them. Who's funny now?
If you really have a problem with people calling "hype" bad in most cases then there is a problem thats deeper than this argument. ;)
I have a problem with it because (and again) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion isn't always bad, so you can't pretend that it is. Also, are you suggesting I have some kind of sickness where I am too attached to certain things? That would make it kind of offensive, but then again, you said previously as well that we should be asking questions and not assuming things. Does't that contradict yourself? Again, again? And no. Hype is not bad in all if not most cases.

From your other reply:
By that logic all good demos automatically mean the game will be good.
That statement doesn't make sense, since Metal Gear Sold: Ground Zeroes was a finished game and not an E3 demo. You clearly don't even know what this game is supposed to be, so how can you tell me I don't know enough about the matter to argue on it previously?
By that logic Alien Colonial marines shouldn't exist.
The Alien Colonial Marines demo was heavily scripted as you were able to see, and was a scam in the end. One game ended up being bad, therefore all demos are invalid. Again;

''Oh look this movie is bad and therefore all movies are bad.'' That sounds an awful lot like your logic, and I don't seem to agree with that.
I don't buy into hype and I don't play metal gear because it doesn't do anything well.
That's a completely subjective matter and doesn't really factor in to a discussion about hype. ''I don't like the games and therefore nobody should be hyped about them and everyone should think that it does nothing good.''

If that logic would apply, no games would exist since they simply would not be profitable. I assume I need to explain that since you'll probably not get that, since all you can do is make baseless accusations. If for every game there is 1 hater, nobody would like the game and not buy it. If your logic applied, we wouldn't be having this conversation and there would be no game industry. Before you say that you never stated that everybody should hate them; you stated MGS not doing anything good as a fact, and if that would apply then people wouldn't like the game. Indirectly you did say that.
Preordering a game is the most dumb thing you can do when it comes to buying Triple A games and thats usually a consequence of the hype surrounding it.
Again, pre-ordering isn't the dumbest thing you can do when it comes to buying Triple A games. Surely there would be dumber things out there, like supporting certain DLC practices of Triple A games.
Look at Witcher 3, great game yet so many people got pissed because they expected the greatest game to ever grace humanity.
Then these people have unreasonable expectations, and it's completely their fault. Being hyped about a game doesn't make everyone think it will be the best game to grace humanity, certainly not sane people.
Stop buying into hype and wait till the game comes out and is reviewed.
I never said I won't look at the review when the game comes out. But doing so doesn't disallow me to be hyped about a game.

Now onto Two Seconds:

Two Seconds wrote:
MGS GZ probably has nothing to do with TPP because Kojima is a troll so enjoy.
Rip 20 Euros
If you look at the demos and Ground Zeroes, you can see that they are very much alike gameplay and graphics wise. Since they called it a prologue to the Phantom Pain it is quite obvious that it is related to The Phantom Pain in one way or another.
Try searching demos of Watch_Dogs,The Division, The Crew, Aliens Colonial Marines etc.
The Demos of the games are basically lying and the original game that was released was worse looking and stuff.
If these demos were lying, then the games that actually were produced would be completely and completely different. Watch_Dogs lied about the graphics, but that doesn't mean the actual game was completely bad because of it.
So now I cant hate the game even if I am following it from the start? Btw the second sentence makes no sense thats how stupid you sound.
Your first sentence makes no sense, since I didn't say anything about you not being allowed to hate the game if you followed it from the start. Oh and by the way, your second sentence doesn't make any sense either.
I am calling it right now that the game will have DLCs and the game itself will be shit. Thanks Konami.
That would pretty much imply that you mean that the demos are completely different from the real game that will come out. It also implies that you expect DLCs to actually add to the game and that the base game will be shit, until the DLCs make it better. That is how you phrased that sentence. Now tell me again my second sentence made no sense and you are a moron sir.
I never said that the DLCs would make the game better. Paid DLCs are cancer of Gaming.
Just explained how you pretty much did.
They said that the basics of Mother Base will be the same that means whatever you build(new platforms) it will be same construction everywhere. But what you can actually customize is colours and protection.
That is pretty much what I said as well.

Don't you bunch have something else to do than make stupid counter-arguments that don't really make sense?
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179116

If you look at the demos and Ground Zeroes, you can see that they are very much alike gameplay and graphics wise. Since they called it a prologue to the Phantom Pain it is quite obvious that it is related to The Phantom Pain in one way or another.

That was a joke and you didnt get it.
If these demos were lying, then the games that actually were produced would be completely and completely different. Watch_Dogs lied about the graphics, but that doesn't mean the actual game was completely bad because of it.

I love how you only mention Watch_Dogs. And yes the game was completely bad and overhyped. They changed menus and Multiplayer. They basically wanted to add MP to the SP experience but they fucked up so they just remade it and the final version is in the released game.
That would pretty much imply that you mean that the demos are completely different from the real game that will come out. It also implies that you expect DLCs to actually add to the game and that the base game will be shit, until the DLCs make it better. That is how you phrased that sentence. Now tell me again my second sentence made no sense and you are a moron sir.

No, what it implies is that I think the game will be shit and it will have paid DLCs forced by Konami to get even more money from the overhyped game. I didnt say or imply anything that the DLCs will make the game better at all. If you think It did or I said something like that then you sir ARE A MORON. Get it ? Talk shit get shit.
That is pretty much what I said as well.

Your point?
Don't you bunch have something else to do than make stupid counter-arguments that don't really make sense?

Well I wanted to leave ONE comment saying that I think the game will be shit and it will have DLCs but then you joined in the conversation and were all like FUCK YOU TWO(not exact words from you so dont quote me on that and say that I am stupid and shit).
Feel free to leave your comment right here and mainly feel free to quote and challenge me on anything. Cya tommorow.
Btw thanks for the -1 Karma. I guess you cant handle the truth that not everyone will agree with you and you will just argue with them.
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Last Edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Two Seconds.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179142

Factoring in to what?
but is factoring into your opinion
I know. Reading is hard.
My original comment is that hype is not a good thing for consumers.
You presented your opinion as a fact. That doesn't make your original reply factual.
I doubt that, since sometimes hype can definitely pay off for both ends.
If you want to be hyped or not in general hype is a tool used by marketing companies to push games. Aka trying to sell it to consumers.
Well yes, that really is the definition of hype, isn't it? However, this hype you are mentioning now is completely different from what you've mentioned earlier. Hype is: (and I quote from the dictionary) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion, so how is this factually never good for the consumer? It seems like you're talking about a different kind of hype all of a sudden. Kind of contradicting yourself here, mate.
They're not letting you see a sneak peak because they care about you as a customer, they're doing it to let you get hyped for their product.
They care about you as a number. I assume Hideo Kojima doesn't know every Metal Gear Solid fan out there. If they show less of these sneak peeks it would mean less numbers. So technically, yes, they do care about ''you'' to an extent. And again, hype is not factually always a bad thing.
A lot of them abuse this to trick customers.
Which still doesn't make it factually a bad thing. Sure. It gets abused some times. People abuse many things at times, but that doesn't always have to make the entire thing bad.
No it doesn't "ALWAYS" disappoint you but you gain nothing by being hyped and have the chance of losing more.
Well now you're just contradicting yourself again. You said previously being hyped is factually a bad thing. And now it's not always a bad thing? Choose a side. Honestly, while money-wise you might not gain a lot by being hyped, it can give you a lot of satisfaction for a long time to finally play the game you have been so hyped for. Happiness and satisfaction. Is that not a gain?
The point where you're arguing about the definition of words is the point where you have nothing meaningful to bring to the argument and you have lost.
That's funny because I have quoted a definition of a word before, and it ended up being not in your favour. That makes me lose obviously, I don't know how you argue. The winning side loses, heh.
And to top all of this off i love how you flat out admit you don't know anything MG games yet you're arguing with two (Who actually does) like you have the facts... You clearly don't.
I clearly admit I know ''nothing'' about the previous Metal Gear Solid games. I however am informed enough to debate on the game and business practices at to hype. I do know as much about as you do. You can't possibly know more about MGSV than I do unless you are some employee at Konami. Since when do I need to have played every game in one franchise to argue about the one I do know of? Yes, that's stupid.

''You can't argue about these toilet papers if you haven't tried the others!'' I can see that come out of your mouth currently. I am sure you haven't played every Metal Gear Solid game anyway. Oh, and I love how you tell me that I am arguing with two people that know a lot about Metal Gear Solid when, clearly, you stated that you do not and never will like the Metal Gear games, which would mean you haven't played or even tried that much if any of them. Who's funny now?
If you really have a problem with people calling "hype" bad in most cases then there is a problem thats deeper than this argument. ;)
I have a problem with it because (and again) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion isn't always bad, so you can't pretend that it is. Also, are you suggesting I have some kind of sickness where I am too attached to certain things? That would make it kind of offensive, but then again, you said previously as well that we should be asking questions and not assuming things. Does't that contradict yourself? Again, again? And no. Hype is not bad in all if not most cases.

From your other reply:
By that logic all good demos automatically mean the game will be good.
That statement doesn't make sense, since Metal Gear Sold: Ground Zeroes was a finished game and not an E3 demo. You clearly don't even know what this game is supposed to be, so how can you tell me I don't know enough about the matter to argue on it previously?
By that logic Alien Colonial marines shouldn't exist.
The Alien Colonial Marines demo was heavily scripted as you were able to see, and was a scam in the end. One game ended up being bad, therefore all demos are invalid. Again;

''Oh look this movie is bad and therefore all movies are bad.'' That sounds an awful lot like your logic, and I don't seem to agree with that.
I don't buy into hype and I don't play metal gear because it doesn't do anything well.
That's a completely subjective matter and doesn't really factor in to a discussion about hype. ''I don't like the games and therefore nobody should be hyped about them and everyone should think that it does nothing good.''

If that logic would apply, no games would exist since they simply would not be profitable. I assume I need to explain that since you'll probably not get that, since all you can do is make baseless accusations. If for every game there is 1 hater, nobody would like the game and not buy it. If your logic applied, we wouldn't be having this conversation and there would be no game industry. Before you say that you never stated that everybody should hate them; you stated MGS not doing anything good as a fact, and if that would apply then people wouldn't like the game. Indirectly you did say that.
Preordering a game is the most dumb thing you can do when it comes to buying Triple A games and thats usually a consequence of the hype surrounding it.
Again, pre-ordering isn't the dumbest thing you can do when it comes to buying Triple A games. Surely there would be dumber things out there, like supporting certain DLC practices of Triple A games.
Look at Witcher 3, great game yet so many people got pissed because they expected the greatest game to ever grace humanity.
Then these people have unreasonable expectations, and it's completely their fault. Being hyped about a game doesn't make everyone think it will be the best game to grace humanity, certainly not sane people.
Stop buying into hype and wait till the game comes out and is reviewed.
I never said I won't look at the review when the game comes out. But doing so doesn't disallow me to be hyped about a game.
1. My opinion of what? I love how you insult my reading skills when you literally completely missed the entire point. My first post was about how hype is bad not WHY I dislike metal gear. Yet you instantly assume I'm judging the game.

2. Tell me an instance where it pays off to someone who already knows it? If a franchise is famous in the first place there will be little to no instances of that. How is it factually not bad? When everyone who's hyped is setting themselves up for disappointment but very few of them get "pleasure" out of it then how is it not? The negatives outweigh the positives DONE. factually bad.
A consumer will know about it in the first place and all marketing serves at that point is to show it to people who haven't yet heard of it which will either dislike it or like it, and if the product isn't out yet they will most likely get hyped for it leading to higher expectations increasing the risk of disappointment while gaining NOTHING. Which is what you are currently doing. Never played MG games now suddenly hyped for this one like its the best game ever.

3. Contradicting myself? Promotion is good for the consumer? Are you mental? Promotion is good for the companies it is used for profit not to help consumers. It is not a bad thing inherently but it does no good for the consumer and sets them up for disappointment (this doesn't have to be aliens colonial marines getting an average game after being hyped is also disappointing but I know you will deny this anyways). I'll make it simpler if your "reading skills" cant comprehend it. Hype: Company GOOD Consumer BAD

4. It is a bad thing "FOR CUSTOMERS" I know you can't comprehend simple sentences since you seem to believe I'm equating hype to pure evil. They do not care about "you" they care about "your money" and if you're too blind to see this then there is no helping you.

5. If a thing is bad A LOT of the time to customers and almost NEVER good FOR them how can you not label that as bad? Oh look this guy robbed people but he donated to charity, he isn't bad... nah he is just MOSTLY bad. Still bad In either case.

6. FOR CUSTOMERS, read what I say before writing long replies. That same comment literally says it does you no good but it can fuck you over. What do I gain by being friends with a thief? Nothing you say? what do I lose? oh i might be robbed... WELP ITS GOOD RIGHT? And if you get happiness and satisfaction from hype that's just sad...

7. Not being in my favour? "the meaning of disappointed is completely subjective and can vary from person to person so no need to state that as a fact." The meaning of the word isn't subjective disappointment itself is. The same way the meaning of anger is to be angry yet people get angry for different reasons. The Word isn't the same as the EMOTION and if you don't grasp that then there is no helping you...

8. You've never mentioned the extent of your knowledge in any way and so far have been constantly wrong based on the videos. No I don't know more than MGS about you I said TWO does not ME again basic reading. I'm not the one arguing about the game I'm the one arguing about Hype which you clearly do not understand IN THE SLIGHTEST and CLEARLY can not remove your biased opinion since you think hype brings you "Happiness and satisfaction." yet challenge others on theirs... Terrible argumentation.

9. You call a 30 minute game a finished game? Okay there buddy...
Not to mention that wasn't even a response to you. So good job with those "reading skills" you proudly boasted of in the beginning. One game? Two listed several and there's tons of examples to list further if they're not enough for you or you just can't count past 1. Sounds an awful lot like a strawman created by a fanboy getting mad over people disagreeing with him responding to things that have nothing to do with his post #LineLiar.

10. You just love strawmen don't you? easier targets for your poor arguments? "Indirectly you did say that." K with that argumentative genius then you think companies are great and consumers never get fucked over... See how this doesn't work? no I never stated as a fact that is my opinion. I said nobody should be hyped up for anything because it does nothing good. Again getting back to hype, to the consumer all it does is drive him nuts over a product blinding him making a lot of people preorder and so on..
That logic doesn't apply to wanting. Being hyped for a thing and wanting a thing are 2 very different things.
I would like to play that game.
Clear difference.One is simple want the other is a want topped off with hype to create a consumer who is blinded to the faults of the product till they obtain it. One doesn't set you up for disappointment out of the gate. So far barely hated on the game yet you've written a novel about how much I hate it, its clear at this point you're so pissed off about someone disagreeing with you that you're making novel sized posts to refute them even though your arguments fall flat on their faces and my arguments have nothing to do with the game itself.. So good job knocking down that strawman.

11. Love how you argue in favour of hype but when people are hyped for a game and get disappointed its back to "ohh you know unreasonable people".

12. Did I say it does? Oh no I didn't you say? Welp my strawman counter has broke.

And no I don't have anything better to do its 9PM I'm sitting here laughing at your bad arguments and your overinflated ego as you're writing novels to defend a precious game that you haven't even played yet or played the franchise in general.
And as Two said, simple short comments that turned into this driven by your blind love for a game that isn't even out yet...

P.S I just realised you didn't even notice one of the 2 people arguing with you is named "Two Seconds" and are taking my mentions of his arguments as me saying we are arguing with you together. They're completely different sides of the argument m8. Again.. Reading is hard ain't it?
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Last Edit: 9 years 6 months ago by MrBuzzKill.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179154

Two Seconds wrote:
Btw thanks for the -1 Karma. I guess you cant handle the truth that not everyone will agree with you and you will just argue with them.
A quick comment before you'll get a nother ''novel'' of mine tomorrow, I didn't actually give you that -Karma. It's nice to assume things but it makes you look like a complete moron.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179224

Not a fan of metal gear solid, sorry ;_;.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179328

I said it in general because someone gave me -1 karma for my posts here. Its nice to assume things but it makes you look like a complete moron dude.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179341

Two Seconds wrote:
Btw thanks for the -1 Karma. I guess you cant handle the truth that not everyone will agree with you and you will just argue with them.
That is quite obviously directed towards me. At this point you really are just a moron. Anyway, prepare for my novel later today.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179343

Haha, this thread is right up my alley but I won't join it entirely, *wink wink*.
There's a thing you can do with your quotes; make them shorter.

I never knew there was another side of me get lost.

I said it in general because someone gave me -1 karma for my posts here. Its nice to assume things but it makes you look like a complete moron dude.
This thread is so heated like barbeque. If you were saying it in general, you should have rephrased the sentence and/or not included in your paragraph which makes it look like you're saying this to Line(Which you are, and you're just covering the truth so that you can call him a moron back).

Hey where the hell is Apachie when you need him? You get him on a puppy thread but not this thread. Some people just keep wasting my time.

The game isn't released yet so you can make assumptions all you like, heck who's stopping a person on the internet. You either buy the game or not as such pre-order. After all, pre-ordering is a technique used for more money; at which you gain more awesome stuff than what you buy when it's released.

Is the game going to be good? We don't know.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179446

Cant wait for your novel of why MGS V is gonna be good based on the Demos you saw a day ago and since that point you followed MGS Series which you didnt even know about or didnt care about since the Demos of MGS V.
If you want proof here it is: John Jackson said
I don't even know anything about MGS but I still want this game
and you replied with this:
Same here. The demos look awesome and I love stealth games. The mother base thing looks amazing and ugh... give me it already.
Which is basically saying that you know jack shit about MGS and you started following since the Gameplay Demos were released. Oh and if you "Love" Stealth Games so much then pls give me a list of the best stealth games you played and you liked or like.
I follow the MGS Series since Metal Gear Solid 1 was released(never played Metal Gear 1 and 2).
I was following MGS V Phantom Pain since the FIRST trailer when it wasnt even known that it was MGS V yet.
All I said is
I am calling it right now that the game will have DLCs and the game itself will be shit. Thanks Konami.
And you assumed that I was saying that the DLCs will make the game better and the base game will be shit. But I never said anything like that and It never sounded like that.
What I meant with my first comment was this: The BASE game will be shit by my opinion even though Kojima put alot of work into it. I never liked the dialogues in MGS Series but he fixed it with MGS Ground Zeroes, so who knows maybe he finally learnt that ppl are fucking bored of his shit. Continuing with my meaning of my first comment. I said that the game will have DLCs because every single game has DLCs now to just make more money. AND I am calling it right now they will add some sort of DLCs into MGS V:TPP. I am not gonna elaborate on the Thanks Konami because who doesnt know anything about what happened between Kojima and Konami is literally just stupid.
So long story short: I never said that the DLCs will make the BASE game better. Paid DLCs are cancer of humanity and the only developer who actually gives a damn about players is CD Projekt Red(The Witcher series,CyberPunk).
So basically your entire comment on my first comment was complete bullshit.
Pls feel free to -karma(WHOEVER DID IT so I dont get shat on again by Walrus even though it wasnt aimed at him DIRECTLY. It was aimed at LineLiar or Anyone who -karma(ed) me.
Btw yes I am trying to find ways to insult him because he keeps doing it and he cannot argue with anyone without insulting him first. Great Job LineLiar. Try to be professional and stay calm k? I do believe we can all be mature about this and I would definitely like that so please try not to add random insults next time you write your "novel" thanks.
After watching those you can't possibly not be hyped, and if you aren't then you are no human gamer.

After 3 times in total when I bought a game for 40 euros I was never hyped about a game anymore. This sentence is basically saying that whoever isnt HYPED about MGS then he is not a human gamer. What does that make me then? Robot Gamer? Fake Gamer? Non Gamer?
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Last Edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Two Seconds.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hype thread 9 years 6 months ago #179453

Haha, this thread is right up my alley but I won't join it entirely, *wink wink*.
There's a thing you can do with your quotes; make them shorter.

I never knew there was another side of me get lost.
I said it in general because someone gave me -1 karma for my posts here. Its nice to assume things but it makes you look like a complete moron dude.
This thread is so heated like barbeque. If you were saying it in general, you should have rephrased the sentence and/or not included in your paragraph which makes it look like you're saying this to Line(Which you are, and you're just covering the truth so that you can call him a moron back).

Hey where the hell is Apachie when you need him? You get him on a puppy thread but not this thread. Some people just keep wasting my time.

The game isn't released yet so you can make assumptions all you like, heck who's stopping a person on the internet. You either buy the game or not as such pre-order. After all, pre-ordering is a technique used for more money; at which you gain more awesome stuff than what you buy when it's released.

Is the game going to be good? We don't know.

That's exactly why my argument was about hype and not the game. He assumed I meant two as in me + another person when I mentioned Two seconds that's the reason he replied to me with a novel about how the game is great.
My entire argument is still hype isn't a good thing, all it does to the consumer is blinds them with emotions over a game that's not even out yet and sets them up for disappointment.
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