Stupidity & Answers with Prof. LineLiar
Two Seconds wrote:
Demos can look good but they mostly have nothing to do with the Original game that gets released.
Yes, totally, because demos are there to not give you an idea of what the game is. Makes sense. The game at launch will of course turn out to be a 2D Platformer with action elements. Yes. That's how stupid you sound right now.
Two Seconds wrote:
And If you think I havent "researched" then I will tell you that I am about to buy the game and I have been watching MGS V since the First Trailer called Phantom Pain by Moby Dick Studios..
Then tell me how you made such a stupid comment in the first place? The demos surely don't have any DLC in it. That would be a new low for the industry, and I don't think Konami is wating for even more controversy.
Two Seconds wrote:
My knowledge about the game is probably better than yours
And I quote
MrBuzzKill wrote:
Also I suggest the people above me actually ask questions instead of assuming ignorance because your opinion isn't agreed with.
Two Seconds wrote:
Btw who says that DLCs cannot be released after the game is released?
Not us.
Two Seconds wrote:
They can literally announce few days before the release that they are preparing DLCs or after release.
Yes, they could. But how does that have anything to do with your previous comment in which you stated the base game would be shit and the DLC's would make it better?
Two Seconds wrote:
Btw my biggest fear is that you cannot customize Mother Base fully. Theres gotta be a limitation. Btw its not really "Fully Customizable" for one reason. You can only change colour and deployment of Soldiers and stuff.
Well obviously there is, which you would know if you know the game better than me. I'm pretty sure they said in one demo that the platforms themselves will not be extremely customizable, but mostly the staff, look, management and to some extent platform features. They've also said that they have made it so that you can either play without managing your mother base that much or the opposite.
Which again, you would also know if you knew the game better than me.
MrBuzzKill wrote:
The more you buy into hype from demos the more you'll be disappointed. Even if the game doesn't end up being bad it will still be nowhere near the level you expected from the hype you got for it.
Recent demos have led us to believe that, but that is far from always the case. And to be fair, the meaning of disappointed is completely subjective and can vary from person to person so no need to state that as a fact.
MrBuzzKill wrote:
Even for the game series that I love I stay away from hype as much as possible.
Well that's your decision, and it doesn't always make other people disappointed when they do.
MrBuzzKill wrote:
With that being said...
Never liked Metal gear never will.
Completely subjective, but is factoring into your opinion currently.
TL;DR - Hype thread. Not hate thread and any hate here will be dismissed by qualified hate-dismisser, stupidity-remover and constructive criticismer Prof. LineLiar.