MaxTheGamerHD wrote:
Phantom_2207 wrote:
this is how you get the ladIEEEEZ
Is that appropriate comment on a some what serious topic I don't think so please think before you post.
It's a really fucking cringy post. And what he is doing is pretty serious, but the kind of serious you can take the mick out of. It's mean I know but *cough cough*
some people *cough cough* deserve it.
I'm sorry for going onto your girlfriends profile Sammie, but as soon as you mentioned you spamming your girlfriend, I had to see this for myself. Once again, take offence I don't give a damn but I highly doubt she enjoys some of your spamming. She even publicly told you to stop.
Here's another note, you've actually gone through my damn friends list before, and added one of my 14 year old friends ( who happens to be a girl ). Why?. No one else is friends with her in Zarp, she's rarely played in Zarp (I think maybe on one occasion), so quite honestly, I could come to the assumption that you're harrassing me and my friends that aren't even affiliated with Zarp. You probably added them because they were a girl.
I do not take kindly to people literally stalking my friends list and stalking people. It's fucking illegal as shit dude, and creepy as fuck. If you get hate, there's no stopping it. Quite frankly you brought it up on yourself.
Talk to me on Steam if you want some life lessons or something, I'd quite gladly enjoy helping you out if it stops this mess.