Steam Name: [Z] Buzz [M4H] [NL]
What Type of role do you want to go for?: Looter/Raider
Play Time on Mod: Cause it was the dayz mod it wont show on my arma 2 but im guessing between 1000-2000 cause ive played alot of dayz
Why should we have you in our team: Ive played like almost every map and my driving skills are 10/10 seriously. My shooting is also 8/10 but if your talking about the Mod Dayz im expert. if your talking about standalone, i suck xD.
Special Skills that make you stand out from the rest: Large knowledge of maps and lootable places, there is only 1 thing you should know im bad at, i wear glasses IRL and i cant see really far, but for some reason it cant really tell if some1 is far in dayz i cant really tell if its a person or not so thats my only problem.
Btw im 1 of the best pilots out there cause cherno 1 of the main city of main maps. we had a challenge, fly an osprey, upside down, under that industrial bridge sort of thing. Easy. so i can be the main driver/pilot for the team.
And if i get accepted there will be probably sometimes that 1 or 2 friends of mine join cause we are like all on the same leverl with everything.
All of this is true, if you think we didnt play dayz mod just add me on steam and i will show you how much we played