[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110491
Hi my name is BlazeRider and recently I broke a rule....I warned another staff member for disrespect,I also "abused the command csay to talk the admin who I warned.
This lead to a post on the zarp forum asking for me to be demoted.
At first. I thought this post was reasonable and I admitted that I was in the wrong and I was willing to accept any punishment that came from these actions.
But....the post then went in a whole new direction.people started trying to find anything that I had done wrong in the past as a aid in getting me demoted.I understand people wanting me demoted for my actions but what I can't understand is why so many people who I have done nothing wrong to started joining in and posting stuff that has been "modified" so that there is hardly any truth left.
I'm going to clear and "false recolations" of the story up
Around the end of January two members of the zarp community stratiic and sarah started "going out"(they can't actually go out as they live nowhere near each other so they just skype).I thought they were good for each other so I even helped stratiic in the process of asking her out by encouraging him to "take a step forward and make the first move". Stratiic did this and asked her out she said yes and they became "boyfriend and girlfriend", anyway a few days later stratiic told us all that he had lied about everything.he lied about his age, he lied about what language he spoke and he lied about his whole life to us, this came as a shock but since we were friends I forgave him and stuck by his side, I wasn't the only one who did this robbie and Charlie also forgave him straight away too, sarah however did not they broke up and jack became a little sad, as his friends me,charlie and robbie encouraged stratiic to apologise to sarah and as her out again he was a bit hesitant at first as he thought she would say no and hate him, but after a bit more encouragement from his friends stratiic apologised and asked her out again it took time but sarah forgave him and they became "boyfriend and girlfriend" again,
But because of the event of him "losing her once" stratiic became more protective of sarah as not to lose her again, this also changed his attitude towards his friends but nomatter what he said to us we stood by him.
Anyway one day I called the group on skype (me,robbie,charlie,sarah and stratiic) to see if they wanted to play some garrys mod or minecraft, unfortunately robbie was the only one to answer the call so I sat talking to robbie, about 15 seconds after robbie had answered stratiic put a msg in chat. His msg read "Fuck off stop calling me", this did hurt me because I knew he was stressed trying not to lose sarah but he took it out on those in the chat which I thought was unnecessary all we had done was call the group.
This made me dislike stratiic a bit, but that dislike grew over time with him ignoring me during games of ttt and ignoring me out of games...( his reason for this was that I talked about suicide too much and it made him depressed he also add that it was because I kept playing the song bullet byHollywood undead:)
Hollywood Undead - Bullet (Lyric Video):
This made me mad at him because I Had only told them about my life once and yes it may have been depressing but he didn't have to listen to it he could of left, also the issue with the song was not my fault I had it set as my ringtone. anyway i disliked him so much and I was so stressed out about the 3rd anniversary of my uncle dying that I attempted to Rdm him in game, once this failed I banned myself for 4 days (I can't remember what ban reason I put but I'm sure if you ask tomvtv he will show you the screenshot, this action got me demoted which made me even more mad without thinking I jumped on skype and sent the following msg:
"Fuck you jack I hate you i hope you contract ebola and die as a bag of blood on the floor", by this point I wanted to cause jack as much emotional pain that I ccould and I knew thew only way to do this was through sarah, i then proceeded to add everyone I had in my contacts to one group and declare that I was leaving and it was all jacks fault (ask stratiic or charlie for the screenshot of this chat)
I then I added a msg which Read:
"sarah answer me this why jack? You could of done so much better, I'm disappointed in you"
This made stratiic mad and I felt I had done all I need to so I deleted my Skype account and left
A few hours later I made a new skype and added the people that I felt had done nothing wrong, along with some old friends theses people included robbie, candyflosskitty and Charlie.
The next day tom asked me to apologise to stratiic, tom said that it was because he thought we were good friends and he doesn't want us fighting, (later I found out that this was just a lie, tom was worried that I would do something stupid like kill myself and he was also worried about my mental health so he and jack wanted to make me think that he had forgiven me and we could be friends)
I apologised to stratiic and I thought that everything would be fine now......BOY WAS I WRONG.
Stratiic had shared the msgs in a game of ttt and now everyone disliked me alot.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off". I was then permanently banned from the server by tomvtv, I thought this was unfair so I called charlie on skype to tell him what was going on and I told him that I thought zarp had changed alot,i also told charlie that I though tom was in the wrong for demoting me for banning myself,( little did I know charlie was broadcasting the whole call to tom,without me knowing,tom recorded the call and started answering everything I said in this is when I realised what charlie had done),i removed charlie off of skype as I felt he had betrayed my friendship and he had also shared the call with a third person outside of the call via 3rd party device (which may I add is a breech of article 8 of the human rights act: www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/human-rights/privacy)
I contacted Chute and red yo have a meeting with them. They agreed and we had a meeting after I told chute and red everything that I had done (I told them everything) chute asked for tom and stratiic to join the meeting.once they were on we discussed the reason for my ban and demotion (this is where jack and tom admitted to being concerned about my mental health) after the meeting chute asked tom to unban me and give me my rank back, chute also asked stratiic to for give me and he said yes (even tho stratiic still feels like it's not dealt with until I leave zarp)stratiic told me that he would forgive me and that we could work together on the server as fellow staff but that we would never be friends again. I said that would be ok and we left the meeting.....this brings us up to recent issues.
These issues include me using csay to talk to people (I never ghosted tho) and warning a fellow staff member for disrespect Wallcop then created a post on here asking for my demotion which I felt was acceptable since I had broken a rule and "abused" the csay command, but then the post turned into a page for people to display their dislike for me and that crossed the line I tried to keep calm and not over reacting to the posts comments but nomatter what I put they would just spread more hate and now I'm even getting hate on minecraft servers because of it (people from zarp have spread this around so now people who have never played on zarp now hate me for my actions).
This is the full story up until right now.
This is why I am resigning and leaving zarp forever I don't not want to be part of a community that spreads hate from one game and infects every other game, I a gamers and I like most gaming communities but there is nothing more than being bulled on other games that have nothing to do with garrys mod because somepeople think that one fight on a forum needs to be heard by everyone.
I understand that not everyone is like this and some people like playing garrys mod and other games with me and to those of you who have I would like to say thank you.
These people include:
Dcxbigdaddy/Chute/Emp/Red = thank you for accepting me into your community,giving me a fun experience on the server and helping me out when there was a problem.
Robbie= thx for being my friend during my time on zarp you made my time on zarp fun (even with all the other stuff going on)
Candyflosskitty= thank you for being my friend as well and sticking by me when I made mistakes.
Weaponmarks= thanks for being funny...you were always so fun to be around.
Adamcoup1= thank you adam for loving me even when I was a jerk to you you still loved me <3
Thank you for reading this and good bye.
P.s I still like the forums so I might be on them once in a while but not the servers
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110496
bubblesboss wrote:
I bet you never even read it all
Nice accusation. Surprisingly, I did read it all. And all I got from it was "Oh, it's basically their fault that I am getting demoted because of this one incident which also wasn't my fault". Grow up.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110497
Badboyznitro17 wrote:
Hi my name is BlazeRider and recently I broke a rule....I warned another staff member for disrespect,I also "abused the command csay to talk the admin who I warned.
This lead to a post on the zarp forum asking for me to be demoted.
At first. I thought this post was reasonable and I admitted that I was in the wrong and I was willing to accept any punishment that came from these actions.
But....the post then went in a whole new direction.people started trying to find anything that I had done wrong in the past as a aid in getting me demoted.I understand people wanting me demoted for my actions but what I can't understand is why so many people who I have done nothing wrong to started joining in and posting stuff that has been "modified" so that there is hardly any truth left.
I'm going to clear and "false recolations" of the story up
I think you will live in your own fake world your entire life with the way you act. You can't accept that others are right. the way you behaved and even after me helping you, just dropping me like that. You disgust me.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110498
Killua wrote:
bubblesboss wrote:
I bet you never even read it all
Nice accusation. Surprisingly, I did read it all. And all I got from it was "Oh, it's basically their fault that I am getting demoted because of this one incident which also wasn't my fault". Grow up.
Hi my name is BlazeRider and recently I broke a rule....I warned another staff member for disrespect,I also "abused the command csay to talk the admin who I warned.
This clearly shows he admitted to breaking a rule. You clearly didn't read it well or didn't read it at all.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110501
Killua wrote:
bubblesboss wrote:
I bet you never even read it all
Nice accusation. Surprisingly, I did read it all. And all I got from it was "Oh, it's basically their fault that I am getting demoted because of this one incident which also wasn't my fault". Grow up.
No I wasn't pinning the blame on others I was clearing up something that had been changed by the community till there was no truth left.
I accept that my actions are the reason behind the demote request. Also this is my resignation which you would know if you read it all rather than just skimming through it which means I'm leaving the staff team weather the demote request gets accepted or denied. This is why I am leaving this community because if people who jump to conclusions after only a brief understanding of what's going on.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110505
Badboyznitro17 wrote:
No I wasn't pinning the blame on others I was clearing up something that had been changed by the community till there was no truth left.
I accept that my actions are the reason behind the demote request. Also this is my resignation which you would know if you read it all rather than just skimming through it which means I'm leaving the staff team weather the demote request gets accepted or denied. This is why I am leaving this community because if people who jump to conclusions after only a brief understanding of what's going on.
This is what you guys are doing with me too right now, in case you didn't notice.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110506
I got 2 questions then and you dont have to awnser them if you dont feel like it.
1) How old was strat acting and how old is he then actually (a 2 in one )
2) i can understand that you started disliking charlie but he did what he had to do as a TTT staff and a member of the community so he was only doing his job (but that is your own decision)
So i didnt dislike you at all but never spoke to you either actually goodluck for the next servers or games you gonna play
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110509
Learn how to paragraph.
I had to download a chrome addon, Multi-Highlight. It's actually pretty useful, saw my name mentioned 2 times.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off".
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110511
I am 100% sure that Walrus and TomTVs' decisions were in place, no matter what you say you didn't do... I totally agree with what LightArrows said btw, and I still didn't forget that you warned me and ignored me when I was asking you about the warn.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110512
RangerWalrus wrote:
Learn how to paragraph.
I had to download a chrome addon, Multi-Highlight. It's actually pretty useful, saw my name mentioned 2 times.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off".
Tell the whole story next time.
I did down to everylast thing there's no reason for me to hide what I did and there's no reason for me to hide what others did.
Now if a staff member could lock this post before it becomes another hating ground that would be appreciated.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110513
I'm actually 13 , but i've acted 15 .
I have my private reasons for lying about my age , I know it was stupid but if you want more details add me on steam .
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110514
Badboyznitro17 wrote:
RangerWalrus wrote:
Learn how to paragraph.
I had to download a chrome addon, Multi-Highlight. It's actually pretty useful, saw my name mentioned 2 times.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off".
Tell the whole story next time.
I did down to everylast thing there's no reason for me to hide what I did and there's no reason for me to hide what others did.
Now if a staff member could lock this post before it becomes another hating ground that would be appreciated.
Honestly how can you believe your own amount of lies??
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110516
Stratiic wrote:
I'm actually 13 , but i've acted 15 .
I have my private reasons for lying about my age , I know it was stupid but if you want more details add me on steam .
You remind me of Chris Smith XDD (Sorry Chris you told me you were 16 when I first met you )
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110517
Badboyznitro17 wrote:
RangerWalrus wrote:
Learn how to paragraph.
I had to download a chrome addon, Multi-Highlight. It's actually pretty useful, saw my name mentioned 2 times.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off".
Tell the whole story next time.
I did down to everylast thing there's no reason for me to hide what I did and there's no reason for me to hide what others did.
Now if a staff member could lock this post before it becomes another hating ground that would be appreciated.
A hating ground? Hate would be "Fuck off" or calling you a "Monster",
We are just stating the segments in your post that we believe you lied in.
[TTT]BlazeRider resignation
9 years 11 months ago #110520
KV-Twoerminator wrote:
Badboyznitro17 wrote:
RangerWalrus wrote:
Learn how to paragraph.
I had to download a chrome addon, Multi-Highlight. It's actually pretty useful, saw my name mentioned 2 times.
Not knowing this I join ttt the next day and after killing a guy for a valid reason I was warned and slayed for rdm I then asked why I was being slayed and the response I received from walrus was "go on badboy say we should all get ebola and die" this made me mad and I said to walrus "Fuck off".
Tell the whole story next time.
I did down to everylast thing there's no reason for me to hide what I did and there's no reason for me to hide what others did.
Now if a staff member could lock this post before it becomes another hating ground that would be appreciated.
A hating ground? Hate would be "Fuck off" or calling you a "Monster",
We are just stating the segments in your post that we believe you lied in.
I haven't lied in any of it though so believe what you will but like I said I have no reason to lie about anything