TS Name: Getzco
What system do you play on?: PC Master Race
What rank are you on Battlefield 4?: 16.
How often do you play battlefield 4? (How many games per day): I haven't played in a while because I never had anyone to play with.. But when I do actually play I don't really keep track of how many games, but I play from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep
(which I could only do on weekends now since I go to university.) But I am available on all weekdays depending on if I have papers to write.
What class do you play as most (Recon, Engineer, Assault or support)?: Assault and Recon. (I mainly play recon though, but I do play assault on occasion during rough games so that I can keep my team healed and alive.
Why should you be chosen(75 words or more needed)?: I'm sure my level sort of misleads you into think "Well this guy can't be that good for out team if he's only level 16". Well that aside, I'm a very skilled sniper and I've been playing the Recon class since Bad Company 2 and that's a pretty long time. I think I would be a great addition to the team because I play this game as it is intended to be played, LIKE A TEAM. I don't do any of that Lone Wolf bullshit where I'll run off and do whatever. I like to stick with my squad, cooperate, and work with them to do what it takes to win.
You're wondering well "How can a sniper stick with his squad?". Well when it comes to sniping I do one of two things.
1.Stay up close and be a combat sniper with carbine(M39 EMR is my preference)
2. Stay long range and spot enemies, call out vehicles, and pick off targets that could cause a problem.
What I do for number one is pretty self explanatory. But for number two, I prefer to stay long range, from my squad and and support their advances rather than sit and do my own thing and snipe anything that moves. But before I go back to a distance, I LIKE to at least place a spawn beacon within sprinting distance of where my squad is currently fighting so they have a quick respawn and can jump right back into the action and get the objective if they were to die.
Though some of you over at ZARP aren't very fond of me. I overall feel I would be a great edition to the team. I like to strategize my movements so that my team and squad can get the most out of my actions. I also take orders and listen to my teammates extremely well.. I'm also a pretty fun and energetic guy and I feel thats something ALL team atmospheres NEED. But despite liking to have fun and mess around, I'm a very competitive person and I can't stand to lose (As no life as it sounds, Gaming is one of the only things I've taken seriously my entire life). Most importantly of all the things I've rambled on about is that I play this game the way it's supposed to be played, this is a TEAM game, so I play it WITH my team and contribute all I can to push us towards victory.
Also gonna add I go pro at flying with my flight joystick ;D
Thanks for reading guys, hope I get a spot! Even if I don't I hope I get to play with all you PC guys sometime:D