TS Name: Fennster4
What console do you play on?: PS3
What rank are you on Battlefield 4?: 103
How often do you play battlefield 4?: Not as often anymore, because PC FTW, the reason why I don't play on PC, is that I have a new desktop that I bought for 150$
What class do you play as most (Recon, Engineer, Assault or support)?: Support, Me and my Type-88 and MTAR-21 are da bomb.
Why should you be chosen(75 words or more needed)?: Bruh, where should I start? I have been the highest skilled player for a little bit in the state of MN, (I think it was 444 or maybe higher) I am Premium, and I have gone 52-5 when none of my other Teammates even got 20 kills. You know what, this isn't 75 words, but... Just check out my BattleLog Profile and see for yourself.