TS Name: The emo unicorn
What console do you play on?: I play on PC which isn't a console...
What rank are you on Battlefield 4?: I am rank 30 aka Gunnery Sergeant V (5) but i am almost rank 31 i know it isn't very high but i see my self as a skilled player who is improving every minute
How often do you play battlefield 4?: Very often, but mostly with friends, i don't play much solo but i am a very lone-wolf person
What class do you play as most?
I play as engineer and assault for the majority of the time,i have lots of time as recon though because i went on a bolt action sniper only server to level up my snipers
But i have been playing some support recently but only on maps like operation metro 2014 and operation locker.
Why should you be chosen(75 words or more needed)?:
I think i should be chosen because i love working as a team and i am a huge team player/leader and i think that working with a skilled group with lots of people
will improve my capabilities and skills as a player and game in general and it will benefit the team as well because you will have a new skilled player and also the more the
merrier.I am also happy to take a new role in the team if we have to many engineers etc, i also use to play battlefield 2: modern combat on the PS2 xD and i also have spent
lots of time playing BF 4 (96 hours, not as much as i thought) and i think it is time i started playing it with a team instead of just playing with a couple of friends.
I also have premium and have downloaded all the DLC so i can go on any maps and unlock any guns, i also have Team speak and Skype (which is now working) so i can communicate
with you guys and i would like to mention i am starting a gaming channel so i will be recording with the team if accepted and i will actually be playing/recording allot on the zarp servers.
I am a good pilot and i follow orders as well so if you need me to do anything i will go and do it without any B.S and i can fly helicopters very well. (i am working on my jet
skills) I do hope you accept me this time round because i do incredibly want to join the team and i feel that i could be a very good benefit to the platoon and i think
i would get on well with the other players as well. I do play allot on the zarp bf4 servers i have about 350 hours on your DarkRp server i also play allot of TTT on your server.
I can accept getting killed and i don't have huge kill streaks 24/7 (see what i did there) but sometimes when i get killed over and over again i get pretty damn angry, but that
us usually when i'm super tired and i have ran out of energy drinks at 4 in the morning.I played lots of BF 3 on Xbox 360 but i didn't get that much time on it as soon after my
live ran out and i also got my PC.
Links 'n' stuff:
Battle log:
You Tube :