e: The emo unicorn
What console do you play on?: I play on PC which isnt a console...
What rank are you on Battlefield 4?: 27
How often do you play battlefield 4?: Very often, but mostly with friends but i have been going solo recently since i lost my skype account
What class do you play as most (Recon, Engineer, Assault or support)?: I have been playing alot of sniper only recently, but i usually play as engineer or assualt. I only play
as support on operation locker, when its a clusterfuck
Why should you be chosen(75 words or more needed)?:
I think i should be chosen because i love battlefield 4 and i would love to be in a good team/platoon that play alot and i think i have the skill to work well on the team and help
the other people on the team. Although sometimes i rage alot when i die and i dont get huge killstreaks i can accept defeat and i am rather new to BF4 but i have played BF3
on the Xbox 360 and BF2 modern combat on the PS2
. I play on zarp servers alot i had about 300/350 hours on their DarkRP server and i have played alot of TTT on there server recently.
I also think it would be great fun to actually have a proper team and all be in one squad in TS actually communicating and working together instead of clusterfucking with
a bunch of random noobs, as i usually try and get a private sqaud with a few friends so we can work together properly, because i can remember in BF3 when people sorta worked
together and it wasnt a buggy yet again'clusterfuck' (wow i have used that word alot today
). although i can usually accept defeat when i dont i have BIG rages (E.G:
I told someone to get raped by I.S and die of STD's after being tortured.) and also the usual one which i say alot on the sniper only server (SHOVE THAT GOL-MAGNUM UP YOUR FUCKING ARSHOLE!)
so as you saw there i do tend to rage pretty badly sometimes but i generally accept getting defeat. one thing you should know is that i listen to modestep alot when i play
on sniper-only servers as it helps me stop raging and it also on other servers helps e concentrate. it is my birthday on the 30th and i should be getting premium but until them
I wont have any DLC but it is only a few days so that doesnt really matter